前往 住宿。台灣 四個我常用且的訂房網站Agoda/Booking.com

發布時間: 2020-10-17
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往住宿。台灣 四個我常用且的訂房網站Agoda/Booking.com ...




我明年要去清邁旅遊,在PAK CHIANG MAI網站上有訂了房間,晚上立即收到民宿的回覆,並要求我要另在寄一封確認信給他,信的內容簡略如下: Please kindly confirm your room again (you will be update to @Pak specialdeal offer automatically if you choose to stay for 3 consecutive nights ormore in the same type of room and pay by cash only). For a security reason, it is now our policy that we will need a depositfee of the first night (full amount) PLUS 4% surcharge via Paypal. The details of the payment will be given to you once you reply for a confirmation. If you are eligible for @pak special deal, the discount for the firstnight will be counted and given to you in the final payment. 我也立即回覆確認要下訂房間,我回信的內容如下: Dear Sir: I am glad to get your confirmation letter. 原文載於: 自助旅行論壇 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=1330664 We are also looking forward to checking in your hotel. In case there is any schedule change. We won't hesitate to keep in touch with you. Please do keep the reservation for us. 但我英文不好,所以去網路上下載的範例,不知是不是有誤,以經過2天了,都未再收到民宿回覆我的確認信,懇求幫忙,我的訂房程序或信的內容是否有錯誤,謝謝!