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Fiesta Resort Guam 4.2 (1,855)
酒店暫停營業地址: 801 Pale San Vitores Rd, Tamuning, 96913關島電話號碼: +1 671-646-5880Fiesta Resort Guam - Tumon - IHG2021年3月31日 · Official site of Fiesta Resort Guam - read guest reviews, view photos, and get the ... 801 Pale San Vitores Rd, Tamuning, Tumon | 96913 | Guam ...Fiesta Resort Guam- Tourist Class Tumon, Guam Hotels- GDS ...Fiesta Resort Guam locations, rates, amenities: expert Tumon research, only at Hotel and Travel Index.杜夢關島悅泰飯店-2021 年最新房價評分 8/10 (673) 2012年7月30日 · Fiesta Resort Guam 度假飯店坐落於杜夢灣沙灘上,提供兒童活動和大型室外游泳池,餐飲選擇包括咖啡廳、酒吧和海濱燒烤餐廳,所有客房和 ...Fiesta Resort Guam – Great hotel on Tumon BayThe rebranded Crowne Plaza Resort Guam will reopen with 322 fully renovated rooms, a Club Lounge, fully refurbished public areas, and a refreshed focus on its ...Contact Us – Fiesta Resort Guam801 Pale San Vitores Road, Tamuning, Guam 96913. Tel: +1 671 646 58 80. Fax: +1 671 646 67 29. Email: inquiries@fiestaguam.com. LEGAL INFORMATION【關島悅泰飯店FIESTA RESORT GUAM】杜夢灣正中央超夢幻無敵 ...TAIWAN 台灣. 基隆Keelung ... 也難怪關島悅泰飯店Fiesta Resort會成為各國旅人們遊關島時的熱門飯店, ... AGODA/https://goo.gl/5KKAtm、BOOKING/https:// goo.gl/M82yws 關島悅泰 ... 地址: 801 Pale San Vitores Rd, Tamuning, 96913 關島【詢問】Fiesta Resort Guam - 自助旅行最佳解答-20200804Fiesta Resort Guam(關島悅泰飯店)評分8/10 (673) 2012年7月30日· Fiesta Resort ... 優惠訂房及即時空房查詢: AGODA/https://goo.gl/5KKAtm、BOOKING / . ... Fiesta Resort Guam locations, rates, amenities: expert Tumon research, only at Hotel ... 諮詢專線:02-2545- 8559 客服信箱:guamfansclub@guam.com. tw 營業 ...關島悅泰飯店(Fiesta Resort Guam) - 關島之家評分 4.5 (488) 最受到台灣旅客歡迎的關島飯店莫過於悅泰了!原因無他,C/P值超高,加上很棒的視野,徹底打中台灣旅客的心。
飯店外觀與室內設計走的都是簡單舒適的度假 ...Fiesta Resort Guam, Tamuning, Guam. 联系我们如果需要协助在Fiesta Resort Guam 的预订,请通过以下任一选项直接联系我们.Hotel FIESTA RESORT GUAM Guam at HRS with free services評分 10/10 (10) 3 HRS Stars Hotel FIESTA RESORT GUAM in Tumon ✓ HRS Best-price guarantee ✓ Real hotel ... 801 PALE SAN VITORES ROAD TAMUNING , 96913 Tumon.