【詢問】敷金中文- 加拿大打工度假問答大全-20201110YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com › gl=TW › hl=zh-TW略過導覽功能.日本租 ... 平假名:しききん; 羅馬拼音:SHIKI-KIN; 中文:押金; 英文:Security deposit (when ...deposit (【名詞】保證金, 押金, 定金, 存款)意思、用法及發音| Engoo ...You need to make a deposit at the bank before it closes at five o'clock. 你需要在銀行五點關門 ...Nostro Account vs. Vostro Account: Understanding the Difference2019年6月25日 · Nostro and Vostro are terms used in relation to international trading when one bank has another bank's money on deposit.【背包客最愛】what do you mean by that中文- 自助旅行最佳解答 ...Google 翻譯translate.google.cn › hl=zh-TW › sl=gl我們即將移除翻譯記錄功能, ... definition of facies and structure related to uranium deposits, Powder River .deposit area中文翻譯,deposit area是什麼意思:棄土區… - 查查綫上辭典deposit area中文:棄土區…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋deposit area的中文 ... as is especially the case for fl fault , which traversing the whole deposit area . 3常見銀行術語英漢對照- MBA智库百科account number 帳目編號*depositor 存戶*pay-in slip 存款單*a deposit form 存款 ... 存取機*to deposit 存款*deposit receipt 存款收據*private deposits 私人存款. ... 取自"https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E5%B8%B8%E8%A7%81%E9%93%B6% E8 ...Digital Lobby | POSB Singapore2016年8月15日 · Deposits Guide · Deposit Insurance Scheme · Terms & Conditions Governing Accounts ...時間長度: 1:13
發布時間: 2016年8月15日In-house Banks (IHB) - Treasury Prism... deposits, and foreign exchange with operating companies; the second refers to using an IHB entity to execute operating company flows on their behalf such as ...外幣存款 - 玉山銀行外幣可轉讓定期存單. 外幣可轉讓定期存單. (Negotiable Certificates of Deposit, NCD) 是由銀行簽發並依面額發行, 到期依票面利率及發行天數本息一次清償。
customer account activity major transactions receive interest on ...customer account activity major transactions receive interest on deposit. —— 英文翻譯成中文. google翻譯. 0. 客戶賬戶活動主要交易收取存款利息. 0. 有道翻譯. 0.