i don't understand what you mean

發布時間: 2021-04-22
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

關於「i don't understand what you mean」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

how can i express "I don't understand your saying" or "I don't ... - italki2011年1月3日 · I think you mean, "I don't understand your words." As well, you could say, "I don't understand what you're saying." A saying (as a noun and not a ...缺少字詞: gl= twTop 100+ Twitter Abbreviations and Lingo Guide | Webopedia2021年4月14日 · Webopedia's Twitter Dictionary will help you understand Twitter chat, Twitter abbreviations and Twitter slang. ... daily twitamin: Twitter slang that means a tweet that contains useful ... IDK: An acronym for “I don't know.” IMO: An ...LiveOverflow no Twitter: "PSA to my indian(?) friends: I'm by no ...PSA to my indian(?) friends: I'm by no means an english expert, but I think there ... But I found usually people mean to say "I'm unsure", "I don't understand", "I'm ...Better Ways to say "I Don't understand" in ChineseThese phrase is perfect for those situations when you understood every word but don't know what the person really means. 4. nǐ ( ɡānɡ cái / ɡānɡ ɡānɡ ) shuō ...缺少字詞: gl= | 必須包含以下字詞:gl=Another Eden TW/GL 2nd Anniversary Livestream ... - Redditsaid Aldo, "The official Taiwan channel will begin its livestream ( ) at UTC 1100, just ... From what I understand, the copied move under her Crystal Lunatic state counts as ... Success with time to spare (combination of GL, TW and KR social media ... Looking forward to that stream even though I don't understand the language.Tweecha for Twitter - Apps on Google Play評分 4.4 (6,094) · 免費 · AndroidThe latest information about the app is announced on the support account! https:// twitter.com/iam_o_sin. We have reached the limit by Twitter. Try out Tweecha ...Understanding Language ChangeThey occur either at the beginning of words (e.g. tw-, gl-, fl-) or in their rhymes ( e.g. ... They symbolize a certain meaning, although it is often not easy to pin down ... hardy-har, yuk-yuk, haw-haw and te-he don't sound much like actual laughter.What To Say When You Don't Understand Someone In Mandarin ...2018年2月27日 · 你的意思是(说) ______? nǐ de yì sī shì (shuō) ______? So what you're saying is ______? / So, what you you mean ...缺少字詞: gl= twComputational Thinking and Coding for Every Student: The Teacher’s ...Make sure you spend a good amount of time going over examples as an entire ... Don't let this deter you from sharing an activity ... Take some lessons meant for prereaders and offer them to your students for ... You might be surprised how helpful this can be in showing what groups understand, and where they are still weak.表達能力英文-2021-04-16 | 小文青生活6 天前 · 不懂表達自己英文-2021-03-11 | 說愛你2 天前· gl=tw英文的「 email . ... 文能力 ... 我不懂你的意思英文翻譯:i don't understand what you mean…
