If you would like to book the room, our hotel would require full prepayment in advance whether by bank transfer or by credit card authorization with additional 1.8% charge (Visa or Master) from the total bill We would appreciate if you could advise us accordingly before we proceed with the booking. Kindly be informed that due to limited number of rooms, at this stage we have not book any room yet for your stay and we look forward to hearing from you soon 打算明年去住Tegal Sori 所以很快就去訂房了 結果她们回信了 只看得懂大概 請問那我要回他什麼資料ㄇ? 謝謝
發布時間: 2009-08-31If you would like to book the room, our hotel would require full prepayment in advance whether by bank transfer or by credit card authorization with additional 1.8% charge (Visa or Master) from the total bill 如果您想訂房,飯店需要您事先付清房費,可以透過銀行轉帳,或信用卡授權書當付款方式皆可(Visa and Master信用卡須加收1.8%手續費) We would appreciate if you could advise us accordingly before we proceed with the booking. Kindly be informed that due to limited number of rooms, at this stage we have not book any room yet for your stay and we look forward to hearing from you soon 我們的房間數有限,在我們收到您告知選擇的付款方式前,我們不會為您保留房,希望早點能收到您的回覆