因為是第一次遇到旅館要求在三週前將住宿費用全額繳清,想請教一下,有沒有人住過慕尼黑的這間旅館 "Hostival"? 如何判斷是不是詐騙? (網站上沒有看到之前住過的人的留言) Hostival Billing IMPORTANTE Se no intiendes, por favor llama: 004916092448788 Si non capite, chiama ha: 004916092448788 Dear Hostivilain's, Thank you for selecting Hostival as your accommodation of choice for the 2010 Oktoberfest in Munich. As always, I Dr. Love and our sexy Hangover Hospital staff will be around to accompany you on beerathon tours and consequently nurse you back to sobriety! With this year marking the 200th anniversary of Oktoberfest you can expect a festival like no other. Hostival has increased its capacity this year and will be offering improved accomodation and services for all guests. Whether this is your first time at the Hangover Hospital and you want more insight into Hostival or you're simply a seasoned veteran seeking some nostalgia we recommend you take a look at last years Hostival Oktoberfest episode: PART 3: Hostival Munich, The Oktoberfest on Vimeo As Oktoberfest approaches you can expect email updates on accomodation, party tours, and guest services. In order to ensure that Hostival continues to provide you with the best possible service we require that payment is made in full three weeks prior to arrival. All group bookings should be consolidated and proof of payment emailed to [email protected]. Any reservations which fail to do this will be cancelled and put back into a pool for last minute bookings. Please send your remaining balance to the following bank account to receive a confirmation for your booking: Hostival - Riverside House, Main Street, Dunleer, Ireland Sort Code 90/34/29 Account Number 46861893 IBAN - IE64 BOFI 9033 2246 8618 93 SWIFT/BIC - BOFI IE2D Bank of Ireland Dunleer Main Street Dunleer, Co Louth Please note that this banking information is complete and correct and has been successfully used for many years by guests from all over the world...insist on this with you banker as they often panic when given unfamiliar information ;0) CONFLICTING PAYMENT REQUESTS?! Hostelbookers would have confirmed your booking and stating that you will be required to make payment of the balance at check-in...this is hostelbookers standard confirmation email and is over riden by Hostival...the actual hostel. To stay at Hostival during the Oktoberfest you will be required to make the full payment before arrival...no exceptions! See you all at Oktoberfest 2010 ! Big hug, Dr. Love www.hostivalonline.com -- Kindest Regards, Giuliano Giacovazzi Director of Hostival www.hostivalonline.com +49 160 9244 8788
發布時間: 2010-08-26推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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