
發布時間: 2009-05-15
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

中國生肖也是西方人喜歡的話題,其實滿多西方人都已經知道自己的生肖是什麼了 如果能和他們聊聊生肖順便教教他們生肖的中國字怎麼字也是很有意思。 the symbols of Chinese Zodiac 十二生肖 rat 鼠 >>> 60 72 84 ox 牛 >>> 61 73 85 tiger 虎 >>> 62 74 86 rabbit 兔 >>> 63 75 87 dragon 龍 >>> 64 76 88 snake 蛇 >>> 65 77 89 horse 馬 >>> 66 78 90 goat 羊 >>> 67 79 91 monkey 猴 >>> 68 80 92 rooster 雞 >>> 69 81 93 dog 狗 >>> 70 82 94 pig 豬 >>> 71 83 95 Learn about the Chinese Zodiac below: The Chinese Zodiac consists of a 12 year cycle, each year of which is named after a different animal that imparts distinct characteristics to its year. Many Chinese believe that the year of a person's birth is the primary factor in determining that person's personality traits, physical and mental attributes, and degree of success and happiness throughout his or her lifetime.

●rat 鼠 >>> 60 72 84 Positives: Charismatic, Affable, Intelligent, Sociable, Quick-witted, Popular Negatives: Exploitive, Deviant, Calculated, Secretive, Greedy, Acquisitive RAT BABY: In Chinese astrology the Rat is held in very high regard, so if your little one is a rat you should tell your friends with pride that your bundle of joy is one of the noblest signs in the calendar. As a young baby the Rat will rarely sleep through the night as they are far too restless and will never miss an opportunity for some more attention! They are great fun as toddlers full of enthusiasm and quick to learn, especially if there is a sweet treat in store for them. As children Rats are surprisingly shrewd and will be able to tell you with only a moment of thought exactly how much allowance they are owed. School is a place of adventure for the Rat youngster, but their restless minds will also enjoy the challenge of learning all about the world around them.

●ox 牛 >>> 61 73 85 Positives: Honest, Loyal, Sincere, Steadfast, Popular, Reliable, has Integrity Negatives: Stolid, Stubborn, Inflexible, Impatient, Narrow-minded OX BABY: If you have an Ox baby you will soon come to understand that they are in charge! The Ox is not demanding, quite the opposite in fact. They tend to be quite infants perfectly content provided that they get their regular cuddles and food. However, the Ox has an air of authority that is completely innate and you will find yourself recognizing it even when they are still very young. By the time they start school this sense of leadership will be strong and the young Ox is usually to be seen confidently arranging the order of play in the sand pit or supervising their peers on the playground equipment. The Ox can be stubborn and if he or she doesn want to go to the store then no amount of cajoling is going to persuade them otherwise. However, the Ox is also one of the most affectionate and expressive of the signs so you will always know that the Ox thinks you are the greatest.

●tiger 虎 >>> 62 74 86 Positives: Courageous, Enthusiastic, Bold, Sociable, Energetic, Optimist Negatives: Volatile, Impulsive, Impatient, Hot-Headed, Vain, Disobedient TIGER BABY: You might think that the Tiger child would be ruthless and spend their days painting menacing stripes on their diapers, but you would be very wrong! The Tiger is one of the most sensitive creatures in the Chinese zodiac and as a young baby will need lots of tender care. This is partly because the young Tiger will have no hesitation in letting you know when they are not happy, in the way that only babies know how! As a child make sure you have plenty of spare trousers, because the adventurous Tiger will be climbing and jumping over everything and anything that they can find. Full of energy and enthusiasm the Tiger is both an endearing and at times exhausting child. They have a reputation for getting into scrapes so make sure you have a good supply of plasters, and ideally you should consider having eyes fitted into the back of your head so that you have a fighting chance of keeping an eye on them!

●rabbit 兔 >>> 63 75 87 Positives: Wise, Astute, Docile, Thoughtful, Refined Negatives: Cunning, Possessive, Fussy, Snob RABBIT BABY: Everyone loves a rabbit, theyare cuddly cute and full of fun. You can take almost everything you think about rabbits and apply it to your new born astrological Rabbit. It is a fact that the Rabbit baby is more likely than any other sign to have hordes of women crowding around making strange cooing noises. This is because the Rabbit infant simply oozes cute appeal. However, as well as being the most appealing baby on the block the Rabbit is also wise beyond its years. Even before the Rabbit is in Kindergarten he or she will have understood more about the way the world works on an emotional level than most adults. The Rabbit can often be a quiet child and is sometimes quite shy, but this is not a worry because its easy going nature means that the Rabbit will always have friends.

●dragon 龍 >>> 64 76 88 Positives: Original, Confident, Resourceful, Adaptable, Valiant, Enthusiastic Negatives: Arrogant, Tactless, Hot-headed, Critical, Unpredictable, Quick-tempered DRAGON BABY: The Dragon baby is extremely unpredictable. You may think that he or she is ready to sleep on their own and all will be fine until suddenly they demand to be back with Mom and Dad. The Dragon isn awkward by nature, it is simply that the Dragon has the capacity to be the most powerful sign of all and sometimes this means that our little baby Dragons can try and run before they walk. In fact you may find that this last notion is literally true for your infant as patience does not come high on the Dragon list of priorities. The Dragon is a born pioneer, so expect to find your bed covers to be regularly turned into a base camp tent for one of their many and carefully planned expeditions into the unknown!

●snake 蛇 >>> 65 77 89 Positives: Subtle, Insightful, Shrewd, Discreet, Wise, Compassionate Negatives: Proud, Manipulative, Vain, Malicious, Possessive SNAKE BABY: If your Snake baby spends a lot of time with their feet in their mouth staring at the ceiling don worry ?he or she is already plotting how to access all the pureed fruit in the world and keep it as his or her own personal store! The Snake is an inscrutable little soul and even as a toddler may already seem to be entirely self sufficient, if little one is playing with bricks they will build that castle all by themselves and will gladly refuse any help no matter how long it takes. Despite this deep streak of vigorous independence and a need to be rather secretive the Snake is extremely caring and loving. It will seem odd to be comforted by a little child but if you ever break a nail or stub your toe the Snake child will be right there to make sure that you are o.k. What more the Snake does not like affections to be shared and so when you are out together its all on eyes on them and they will give you back all the love you could ever need.

●horse 馬 >>> 66 78 90 Positives: Vivacious, Witty, Independent, Cheerful, Refined, Friendly, has Stamina Negatives: Selfish, Volatile, Impatient, Vain, Reckless HORSE BABY: Horse babies are often larger than average, and are likely to be crawling and walking before their peers as well. The Horse is a determined solid minded little individual and from a very early age will happily understand that rewards come mainly from a lot of hard work. Don be fooled though as like as any fine thorough bred the Horse infant does not like to be frustrated and can be very highly strung. You may think that its quite reasonable to stop playing the nursery rhyme CD after 4 hours of non-stop play, but if the Horse needs their music then you better keep playing or prepare for some professional level tantrums! The Horse is witty and charming by nature and by the time they start school they will already have a good line in simple jokes, its always hard to feel down with a playful Horse around.

●goat 羊 >>> 67 79 91 Positives: Artistic, Cultured, Kind, Gentle, Intelligent, Sensitive Negatives: Self-indulgent, Dependent, Insecure, Ungrateful GOAT BABY: Sheep are the quietest babies on the planet. This is because the Sheep is the dreamer of the Chinese zodiac and Sheep babies can wait to get to sleep because of all the exciting things that seem to happen when they are there. The Sheep youngster may well surprise you with the quality of their art or pre-school poems because they are incredibly creative. Don wash those doodles off the wall as you never know in twenty years time they may be worth something! The Sheep is also the clumsiest sign of the Chinese zodiac and so when they start walking do make sure there is plenty of padding around as the Sheep learns to walk by bouncing merrily off objects until they find a way of balancing. Sheep love you to sing to them and given their creative talents they may be able to repay the favor when they are older.

●monkey 猴 >>> 68 80 92 Positives: Imaginative, Ingenious, Resourceful, Versatile, Persuasive, good sense of humor Negatives: Mischievous, Sly, Restless, Superficial Monkey Baby: Congratulations, you are the proud parent of the funniest bundle of happiness around. The Monkey is true to the name and are incredibly agile even from a very young age. If you can find your Monkey toddler anywhere try checking the door frames or even the top of the curtain rail as the Monkey loves nothing better than to climb! Practical jokes are another favorite of the Monkey child, by the time they start school these will have become quite sophisticated affairs. The Monkey laughs easily and you will find yourself learning to laugh more often too, the innate charm and good humored nature of the Monkey can be quite contagious. Parents of Monkey children can often find that they simply don get as stressed as they used to, although with a permanently energetic Monkey in the house they will certainly find themselves needing their sleep !

●rooster 雞 >>> 69 81 93 Positives: Resilient, Courageous, Passionate, Protective, Patriot, Industrious Negatives: Blunt, Conceited, Rude, Impatient, Aggressive, Bossy Rooster Baby: Never underestimate a Rooster, although they are often small babies they are incredibly tough and resilient. While you won notice this until they can walk the moment they are wandering around the house it will become clear. A Rooster toddler can run headlong into the nearest piece of furniture and will simply pick themselves up and keep on going! Roosters can be demanding youngsters and even at an early age are often convinced that they know best. To be fair the Rooster is by nature logical and sensible and so it may even be that they are rights. From the moment they learn to talk they learn to teach and you will probably have the odd experience of your Rooster child solemnly explaining the intricacies of basic mathematics to you over the dinner table. For all this solidity the Rooster loves to party and a great way to keep a Rooster baby happy is simply to buy a bag of balloons and they will be entertained for hours.

●dog 狗 >>> 70 82 94 Positives: Reliable, Persistent, Devoted, Resourceful, Unselfish, Honest Negatives: Introvert, Nosy, Anxious, Pessimist, Cynic, Moody DOG BABY: As you might expect the Dog is the most loyal of all the signs. In baby terms this means that they like to be carried in your arms or in a sling the idea of a push chair is just too far away from Mom and Dad for their liking. They also learn to be affectionate at a very young age and will like nothing more than the smile on your face when they give you a big hug. The Dog is fearless and this can be a problem when they discover stairs, but as long as they know they are loved they are also the most obedient children you could wish for. A Dog will always stick up for what they think is right. As a baby this means trying to insist on no pureed vegetables, just fruit and sweet things. As a child it tends to lead them towards championing the underdog so don be surprised when your little one tries to look after all the other children at kindergarten.

●pig 豬 >>> 71 83 95 Positives: Sincere, Gregarious, Diligent, Generous, Obliging, Unpretentious Negatives: Naive, Materialistic, Superficial, Pigheaded, Gullible, Lazy PIG BABY: The Pig is delightfully patient as a baby. While all the other harassed parents are frantically rushing around trying to get everything done in time because otherwise baby will throw a tantrum, the Pig baby will sit there happily gurgling away until you are ready. Pig babies are also wonderfully friendly and generous by nature. Even as infants they will try and make sure that whatever they have is shared with those closest to them. At times the Pig can opt for the easy life, and this can mean some persuading when it comes to moving them from milk to something they need to chew. However, find something that takes their interest and they will busy themselves for hours. Young Pig children will love puzzles and will happily spend the whole day working steadily through until they find the solution. 關於生肖簡介節錄自 http://www.horoscope.com/chinesezodiac.html 歡迎大家挑自己喜歡的英文部分翻譯出來和大家分享哦!!!!!


我屬馬..不過我是67年次..1978的耶! 是吧 1978是馬年 上面寫的是西元年哦

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