說也蠻奇特的,LCC的日本天馬航空訂購了六架A380全球載客量最高的客機,當採用最高密度座位安排時,可承載853名乘客。 但是身為日本最大規模的全日空及旅客數與航點最多的日航確都沒訂購A380 台灣方面也是包含長榮華航也都完全沒航空公司訂購A380 香港的國泰港龍港航,澳門的澳門航空,港澳門地區也都沒訂A380 中國大陸只有南方航空訂購了五架A380 韓國的大韓與韓亞都有訂購A380 最厲害的要屬阿酋航空(阿拉伯語:الإمارات;Emirates),是阿拉伯聯合大公國的一家航空公司,訂購了90架已交付15架A380 至於印尼獅子航空雖然沒訂A380,但是目前有LCC少見的B747 巨無霸客機,可承載496名乘客;不過他唯一一架LCC最常用的A320在去年巴里島墜海時報廢,也就沒有A320營運了 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/A380%E8%AE%A2%E5%8D%95%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8
發布時間: 2014-03-14這應和各家考量規劃,也不是新的好的就要買 我想新發展的航空公司或規模日益漸大, 越會積極新購 日航,我想原有一推747機 一家公司太多不同機型,也不一定好
南航A380成主要亏损源新购入的787飞机盈利能力未知 2013年6月10日 - 南航A380成主要亏损源新购入的787飞机盈利能力未知. 6月2日上午10点30分,机身绘有“梦想之翼”的波音787抵达广州白云国际机场,从此,这一“ ... ---------------- fymil.com/bbs/simple/?t949839.html (註已無法連結)
1.LA適合A380,但有卻有明顯的淡、旺季,長榮可以一天飛到3班,但淡季一天也只能飛2班。用300~350人座飛機目前比較好調度。雖然長榮美國線真的做得不錯,但目前可能還太冒險,如果再把這些美國客源及美國轉東南亞客人養久一點,A380還真的適合。 2.一台A380可能塞到2台777的量,例如國泰一天可以飛5班倫敦,早、中、下午、晚、夜,隨時都可以飛,如果改用A380,可能1天只能飛早、晚2班,但國泰不是只做香港人生意,他轉機、經香港入境華南一帶生意做很大,如果1天只有2班,轉機時間就拉長,轉機客可能就選其他要轉機但更便宜的班機,便利性降低,反而會傷到港龍或其他區域航線。 除非就像Emirates、新航,這種沒在怕的,又在歐、亞、澳樞紐,每天帶一票人去轉機,我們很有競爭力,要不要等隨你,不缺客人的。 天馬航空的六架A380,可能就只能低價點對點吧,我也不知道天馬能轉到哪裡,轉機功能應該較少,不像日空、日航還有轉機功能,還要顧慮到便利性。
華爾街日報新聞,Skymark正式宣布取消所以的A380訂單,包括兩架已經在組合原定年底交機。 http://online.wsj.com/articles/skymark-in-talks-to-cancel-airbus-order-1406603497?mod=yahoo_hs 在新的LCC強力的競爭下,天馬最近一年轉盈為虧。整個市場環境迫使它放棄A380的擴充計畫。
Airbus cancels Skymark A380 order http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/general_aviation/read.main/6139872/ 網路上熱議Skymark取消全部6架A380訂單,因為有兩架正在生產線上,不但拿不到任何實物,而且罰款損失應該很重。這個公司的決策,從本來僅只有B737的飛機,就想一躍到飛A380巨無霸,從本來只是日本國內線的經驗,根本沒有國際線經驗,就竟然一躍,想用此A380經營東京-紐約航線,不自量力到如此,引人笑柄。想想看去年和今年,亞洲航空公司增加了多少飛美國,尤其是飛紐約的班次,弄得現在紐約的飛亞洲票,幾乎跟西岸的 LA及SFO到亞洲同價,華航九月初起,就只賣900美金來回而已,幾乎快要掉到白菜價了,如果Skymark這個儍逼,再如其原訂計劃,從今年底加進來拼,那就更不知是什麼情況了。這次Skymark寜可損失預付款而不敢接收已造之飛機,據說就是聯貸的銀行團不肯繼續融資,認為其計劃根本行不通,有了飛機更無以為繼,會成為更大的無底洞。 所以再回想回想,幾年前復興剛簽了 A330等大飛機的約之時,其少東就頭腦發漲,說下一步不排除買個A380,開個台北-LA航線,想跟華航,長榮分庭抗禮。現在看來,真是笑話,就看看其接收了 A330近一年半了,原來計劃的用到新加坡及曼谷,都草草收場,到現在還是為把這大飛機放到那裏飛而改來改去,目前是把原用在曼谷的 A330移到增開一班大阪,在現在大阪廉航充斥的低價中,能賺什麼天曉得?不過大概總比空機開曼谷強吧?
看來這 Skymark 有可能倒閉呢! 愚蠢的小白兎不小心進入大叢林。完全自找的。 Skymark Airlines Weighs Halting Flights, Borrowing Cash http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-07-31/skymark-highlights-going-concern-doubts-with-airbus-a380-fine.html Skymark Airlines Inc. (9204), Japan’s third-largest carrier, said it’s at risk of going out of business should it have to pay Airbus Group NV (AIR) a penalty after the planned purchase of six A380 superjumbos fell through. Skymark slid 11 percent to 187 yen, the lowest since October 2009, at the close of trading in Tokyo today. The shares have declined 36 percent this week. There is “material uncertainty” over whether the company will remain a going concern as the airline may have to pay a “large amount” as penalty, the carrier said in a statement yesterday. Tokyo-based Skymark also said it’s considering halting unprofitable flights and borrowing money from financial institutions after its net loss more than tripled to 5.8 billion yen ($56 million) in the fiscal first quarter ended June. The carrier said the 26.5 billion yen it paid to Airbus for the double-decker planes, more than the airline’s market value, may not be returned. Shares of Skymark, whose largest shareholder is former Internet millionaire Shinichi Nishikubo, have been plunging after Airbus terminated the order for six A380s -- worth $2.5 billion in list prices -- this week, sacrificing the only superjumbo customer in Japan. “Investors are concerned about Skymark,” said Kazumi Tanaka, an analyst at DZH Financial Research. Skymark had 7.2 billion yen in cash and near-term assets and 39 billion yen in shareholders’ equity at the end of June, according to a company statement. The company had 2.5 billion yen of short-term and long-term borrowings and 16.3 billion yen of other long-term liabilities at the end of March, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
決定買 A380 的 Skymark 負責人,是頭腦裝了石頭! How Airbus May Put a Japanese Budget Airline Out of Business http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-07-31/how-airbus-may-put-a-japanese-budget-airline-out-of-business Nearly four years ago, Skymark Airlines (9204:JP), a Japanese budget airline with a meager but profitable domestic business, decided to buy the world’s largest airplane, the Airbus A380, with grand ambitions of becoming an international, premium-class player. Skymark’s A380 order was ridiculed by industry observers before the ink had even dried on the 2011 contract—and may now prove to be the company’s demise. “They had rocks in their heads when they ordered it,” a Credit Suisse Group analyst told Bloomberg News this week. On Tuesday, Airbus (EAD:FP) canceled the order, which had expanded to six A380s, amid negotiations for delivery that have turned acrimonious, according to media reports. The first two A380s have been built, and Airbus apparently grew concerned about Skymark’s ability to pay for the double-decker jets, which have a list price of $414.4 million each, making it the most expensive commercial aircraft in service. Airbus wanted to quash the order before interiors customized to Skymark’s specifications were installed, which would make finding a new customer difficult. Airbus is likely to retain the $260 million Skymark has paid so far and could seek additional penalties of 70 billion yen ($681 million), according to Japanese media reports. As a result, Skymark shares have plunged, and the airline warned today there is uncertainty about its ability to remain a “going concern” given its potential exposure to Airbus. The airline also reported a quarterly loss today and said it may borrow money and quit flying unprofitable routes. “We of course understand that Airbus puts [its] first priority on delivering the aircraft to us in accordance with the purchase agreement and collecting the bill,” Skymark President Shinichi Nishikubo said in a statement (pdf) after Airbus announced the cancellation. That suggested the manufacturer was seeking radical changes in the airline’s business plan and ownership. “However, we definitely cannot accept their forceful way of negotiation threatening our independent business management,” Nishikubo said. Airbus press officials did not respond to e-mails today, July 31, seeking comment. An Airbus spokesman told Bloomberg News today that the company doesn’t comment on talks with customers. In late 2012, the Centre for Aviation, an aviation research firm in Australia, published a detailed analysis of Skymark’s “quixotic order” and why the scheme was doomed to fail, from its plan to have the fewest seats of any A380 operator in the world—only 394—to its lack of airline partners to provide feed traffic. The airline had planned to begin its initial A380 service from Tokyo to New York in late 2014. The spacious cabin seating plan meant that Skymark would have needed to command extremely high fares for each seat, on a par with, or higher than, its two larger domestic rivals, All Nippon Airways (9202:JP) and Japan Airlines (9201:JP), both of which offer premium-class services within global airline alliances. No major U.S. or Japanese airline has bought the A380, considering it too large for their networks.
New York Times 文章: Oversize Expectations for the Airbus A380 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/10/business/oversize-expectations-for-the-airbus-a380.html?_r=1