
發布時間: 2008-08-10
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

大家好~ 之前在hostelworld.com已預定羅馬三天住宿,且信用卡有付了訂金(10% deposit and booking fee),如果想取消的話不知要怎麼做呢?我的訂金是不是要沒收啦:\'(....麻煩大家指點一下唷...因為離住宿時間還有兩個月有沒有啥辦法能拿回10% deposit 的啊?至於booking fee是本來就該給的...有啥方法嗎?請專家指點一下唷....:-$

hostelworld.com內的FAQ已經其實有解答的 Query & Support Centre / Making a Booking / Is the 10% deposit refundable on my arrival? (http://www.hostelworld.com/supportcentre.php?PageNO=22&FAQHistory=a:2:{i:0;s:1:"0";i:1;s:1:"6";}&AddHistory=22) Is the 10% deposit refundable on my arrival? No, the 10% deposit is a downpayment and is non refundable. It should be deducted from the overall balance due on arrival at the hostel though. 你預付的10%訂金無法退回的 日後訂房時請多先留意各項訂房細節與規定囉!

hostelworld.com內的FAQ已經其實有解答的 Query & Support Centre / Making a Booking / Is the 10% deposit refundable on my arrival? (http://www.hostelworld.com/supportcentre.php?PageNO=22&FAQHistory=a:2:{i:0;s:1:"0";i:1;s:1:"6";}&AddHistory=22) Is the 10% deposit refundable on my arrival? No, the 10% deposit is a downpayment and is non refundable. It should be deducted from the overall balance due on arrival at the hostel though. 你預付的10%訂金無法退回的 日後訂房時請多先留意各項訂房細節與規定囉! 大侠:我才来不懂,签证所需的住宿预定怎么才能免费取得。换言之,不交定金的预定单如何拥有?且签证能认可的单?8-)

大侠:我才来不懂,签证所需的住宿预定怎么才能免费取得。换言之,不交定金的预定单如何拥有?且签证能认可的单?8-) ..... 我教你的話 這樣等於是做假紀錄哩... +o( 辦理簽證的預訂住宿文件請您去問問旅行社 旅行社的小姐會有辦法協助您的 不好意思... 很抱歉這點沒辦法幫到妳唷!!
