最近流行感冒相當猖獗,從A型流感到B型流感連續性的來,雖然這種是屬於流行性的感冒, 但不能小看喔!尤其是一旦發燒持續不退,切記一定要就醫看診,台灣已經多起病例死亡, 如果您有預計要出國前,這篇病症就醫英文篇幅,就值得您提前閱讀一下。 1764373 (http://video.comp.com.tw/videos.aspx?v=2015052802&cid=3) 線上檢測英文程度:http://www.comp.com.tw/edm/2014/toeic 各種症狀怎麼說 fever 發燒 stuffy nose 鼻塞 cough 咳嗽 headache 頭痛 nausea 噁心 vomiting 嘔吐 runny nose 流鼻水 sore throat 喉嚨痛 stomachache 胃痛 diarrhea 腹瀉 joint pain 關節痛 muscle pain (Myalgia) 肌肉痛 expectoration 咳痰 pneumonia 肺炎 dehydration 脫水 fatigue 疲倦 rash 皮疹 pink eye 結膜炎 chest pain 胸痛 shortness of Breath(Dyspnea) 呼吸困難 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 看診對話英文 / Doctor:醫生 Patient:病人 Doctor:Hello, miss. Sit down, please. 你好,小姐。請坐。 Doctor:What seems to be the problem? / What's troubling you? 你哪里不舒服? Patient:Hi,I am feeling terrible. 你好,我感覺糟糕透了。 I think I have a sore throat. 我想我得了咽喉炎。 I have a terrible stomachache. 我的胃痛得要命。 I have a terrible headache. 我頭疼得厲害 I have a cough and get a high fever. 我咳嗽並發高燒。 I think I have a sore throat and backache. 我喉嚨痛而且背也痛。 I feel a little nauseated and vomiting. 我感覺有點噁心,嘔吐 Doctor:How long have you been like this? 妳這樣有多久了? Tell me how it got started. 告訴我怎麼回事 How long have you been sick? 你病了多久? Patient:Since Saturday night. 星期六晚上開始的。 For two days. 2天了 I’ve been feeling bad for three days. 我身體不適已有三天了。 Doctor:Any other symptoms? 有別的症狀嗎? Did they affect you in any other way?還有其他症狀嗎? Patient:Yes, I also feel dizzy. 有,我還覺得頭暈。 Yesterday I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. 昨天我老流鼻涕。現在有點鼻塞。喉嚨很痛。 And I'm afraid I've got a temperature. I feel terrible. 恐怕還伴有高燒。感覺糟透了。 I vomited 3 times yesterday. There was no diarrhea. 昨天吐了三次,沒有拉肚子。 Doctor:Is there any sputum? What’s the color of the sputum? 有痰嗎?痰是什麼顏色? Patient:I have been coughing for 1 week with yellowish sputum. I began to have shortness of breath in the past 2 days 我咳嗽了一個星期,有黃色的痰,最近兩天變得比較喘。 Doctor:I want to look at your throat. Open your mouth. Please say “Ah”. 我檢查一下您的喉嚨。請張開口說“啊” Doctor:Look, your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is thickly coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza 聽著,你的喉嚨發炎了。舌苔很厚。這些都是感冒的症狀。 I think you are probably minor food poisoning. 我想你大概是輕微的食物中毒 Patient:Ah. Is it serious? 啊。嚴重嗎? Is there any problem? 那有什麼大問題嗎? Doctor:Hmm,I think it's nothing serious. Don't worry about it. 嗯,我想沒什麼嚴重的。不要擔心它。 Do/Be Patient! Don't worry. I will prescribe some medicine to you. 別著急,沒什麼大問題,我先給你開點藥。 It doesn’t matter. It’s only a cold. You’d better stay in bed for a couple of days. 沒關係。只是感冒了。你最好在家休息幾天。 Doctor:Did you have drug allergy? 對藥物有過敏嗎? Patient:I have no drug allergy. 我沒有藥物過敏。 I had been allergic to xxx. 我曾對xxx過敏 Yes, I am allergic to aspirin. 有的,我對阿司匹林過敏. Doctor:Are you taking medication currently? 目前有沒有在服用藥物? Patient:This is the medication list that I am taking currently. 這是我目前在服用的藥物清單。 Doctor:Get this prescription filled at the pharmacy, take one tablet right away and you should be feeling better soon. 拿這張處方箋去藥局拿藥,立刻吃一顆藥,妳很快就會覺得好些了。 Patient:So what do I need to pay attention to? 那我需要注意些什麼? Doctor:You should have a good rest. And you must remember don't eat hot food and don't drink cold water. 你要好好休息。你必須記住不要吃辣的食物和不要喝冷水。 Patient:Ok, I will. 好的,我會。 Doctor:I hope you will get well soon. 我希望你快點好起來。 Patient:Thank you, doctor. 謝謝你,醫生。
發布時間: 2016-03-23推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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