以下是一個我們近期使用Airbnb服務後,十分非常痛心的經歷。 Airbnb 在沒有清楚解釋原因之下,無理扣取額外費用。:\'(:\'(:\'(:\'(:\'( 事件:在我們離開公寓後,屋主要求我們付出額外的清潔費200澳元,請注意,我們在預訂時,屋主已先行收取350澳元的清潔費。 我們問屋主:兩項清潔費有何分別,及金額是如何計算出來的? 屋主首次回覆:清潔工原定收取的350澳元清潔費是按15小時工作計算。清潔工聲稱需收取的額外清潔費,是因為他們花了比平常更長的時間來清理所有在廚房內的盤子、鍋碗盆及檯面。 屋主再次回覆:此外,我剛才收到確定在廚房裡花費的總時間為3.5小時,即額外的2小時,用來清理菜餚,食物殘渣,燒爐灶,燒炸鍋,並清除廚房垃圾。 經計算後,我們同意收取合理費用,即2小時的清潔加班費。我們覺得按此計算應該是 350/15小時 x 2 小時= 約47澳元的費用。由於我們到達屋苑時,已被額外要求繳交50澳元保安費才可進入大屋,這個費用無論在預定公寓之前或其後都從來沒有提及過。 原本打算算數的。既然屋主提出額外費用,我們覺得有需要將所有必須費用都一拼計算,包括這沒有清楚列明保安費。 我們之後提出可不可以用作抵消額外清潔費? 但屋主不同意,因為他覺得這不是他收取的,那只好交給Airbnb作最後決定。 Airbnb 在收到屋主申訴後,只給予我們短短24小時的不合理反駁時間,最後Airbnb覺得需要收取200澳元是公平,及在未經我們授權下,私下自動過帳咭主的信用咭。 我們再詢問Airbnb後,得到以下極不合理回覆: Airbnb 回應:您的屋主說清潔費應該是以1.5小時收取350澳元。他的清潔工要求收取額外2個小時,你是幸運的,你的屋主只有要求200澳元。屋主還表示,他無法把小數點放在清潔時間。這就是為什麼它顯示為15小時,這應該是1.5小時,這是另一個打字錯誤。 Airbnb回覆有關保安費:同樣,這費用不是從Airbnb,我們無法為它提供支援。這最好是問你的屋主。 最後Airbnb表示,此案已經關閉,不會再回答。 顯然易見,事情根本沒有解釋清楚,Airbnb便已草草了事,及收取有關費用是完全不能接受!而且現在所有疑點,亦一律不再作回應。首先,用打不到小數點去解釋是根本不是合理辯解,因為屋主是可以打英文的句號。如果這是打錯字的原因,成件事邏輯顯得很不通順。15小時清潔全屋,如果如他說只是用了1.5小時清潔全屋,但又告訴我分配了1.5小時到廚房。那是不合情理。那他是想表達什麼?還有,我們覺得是否有需要將所有必須費用都清楚列明呢? 去到竟然還有其他巨額費用。 Here is a recent post we used Airbnb service with very very sad experience. Airbnb does not clearly explain why in contrast, unjustified additional costs deducted! Event: The Host claimed us AUD 200 for additional cleaning fee after we left, on top of the $350 pre-paid cleaning fee already charged when booked. We asked the Host: How could the host distinguish and quantify his cleaning fee charged and his additional fee to be charged? The Host’s first reply: "Our cleaner's base their cleaning fee of $350 on 15 hours of cleaning the house. The additional amount they are claiming is because it took them longer than normal to clean all the dirty dishes and pots and pans left on the bench top in the kitchen." The Host’s second reply: "In addition, I have just received verification from the cleaner that the total amount of time spent in the kitchen was 3.5 hrs, extra 2 hrs to clean up city dishes, food scraps, burnt cook top, burnt frypan, and to get rid of kitchen rubbish." After calculation, we agreed to pay a reasonable charge that is based on 350 / 15 hours x 2 hours = AUD 47. Moreover, we have paid AUD50 security fee that has never been mentioned before. We assumed that the two amounts should be offset but the host rejected as he claimed it was not charged from him but the security did. Finally, the case is passed to Airbnb for final decision. After received the request from the host, Airbnb has given us just 24 hours unreasonable time to refute. Finally, Airbnb feel the need to charge $ 200 is fair, and, our credit card is automatically charged without card holder’s authorization. We followed up and have got Airbnb’s unreasonable reply below: Airbnb replied: the host said that it actually is AUD 350 for 1.5 hours of cleaning. The cleaners are billing him for an extra 2 hours, you are lucky that your host is asking for only AUD 200. The host also said that he was unable to put a dot on the cleaning hours. That is the reason why it showed as 15 hours when it should be 1.5 hours, again another typographical error. Airbnb replied regarding the security fee: Again, this charge is not from Airbnb and we are unable to provide support for it. It would be best to ask your host about it. Finally Airbnb replied: As we have issued our final decision for this case, we will disengage from further discussion on this topic. Obviously, without clear explanation and authorization, Airbnb hastily making a final decision as well as charging the additional fees is totally unacceptable!! And now all doubts are no longer reply. First, the host was not able to put a dot in the cleaning hours is not a reason, because he is able to put full stops for all his sentences. If this is the typo mistake, the result will become even more illogic. Originally, 15 hours is used to clean the whole house, if as he said just spent 1.5 hours to clean the whole house, and then telling me 1.5 hours assigned to the kitchen. That is unconscionable. What he want to express? Also, we feel that all the charges should be clearly stated. They request us to pay the unavoidable security fee wholly and inclusively for this rental.
痛心經歷分享 - Airbnb 在沒有清楚解釋原因之下,無理扣取額外費用
發布時間: 2016-04-22推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

- 1痛心經歷分享- Airbnb 在沒有清楚解釋原因之下,無理扣取額外 ...
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- 4法國自由行,Airbnb踩地雷遇惡房東(過程+處理) - Lune 慢遊者
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