爛透了這個航空跟它的客服 the worst airline and its customer service 要搭這家真的要想清楚 think twice before buying its tickets I wanted to purchase extra luggage allowances through the official website weeks before departure and realized I could not. So I called the customer service and she told me that it was because I did not book my flight ticket on the Malindo Air website and if I needed to buy more I would have to do it via calls. However, I DID book the ticket on the Malindo website. I could simply operate that extra allowance service online if the system did not occur such a mistake. Plus it takes 10 mins to wait in a queue to talk to the CS every time and the phone line is so unstable! Such a waste of time and money. However, before departure, I called in to buy the allowances and the customer service lady told me I could only clear the payment at the Taipei office or at the airport. So I asked the lady the opening hours at the office in Taipei and proceeded to pay for it. When I arrived at the office, the office was closed and obviously routinely away during weekends. Then I called again to ask whether I could simply clear the payment at the counter when check-in despite the paying-4-hours-before-departure policy. I was in Taipei when I made the call about six hours away before departure and I got my transportation to the airport all booked already. The airport is in Taoyuan. Therefore it was a bit of inconvenience for me to present myself 4 hours before departure just to clear the payment. I told the CS lady that I did want to purchase extra allowance in advance and made my actions to pay for it and all those showed that it was not a sudden decision. Anyhow, the CS lady insisted still I had to pay off the fees four hours before departure even after consulting with her manager. She sort of accused me that if I operated it online 48 hours before departure I could have paid it online despite that I tried to tell her it was not working even before 48 hours. This whole thing was really inefficient and highly unfriendly to customers. If you can make a remark about how many KGs I intend to buy, why can not Malindo simply make a remark allowing me to pay off the bill while checking in? Make passengers/customers to go to the airport FOUR HOURS in advance just to clear the bill is pure nonsense. As my first experience with Malindo Air, it turned out to be the worst and the service was blunt. Firstly, the online ticketing system was poorly designed and considered my transaction done with an OTA. Secondly, the CS lady provided me false information and made me go to the local office that was always closed during weekends. Thirdly, the payment policy was so inflexible and unfriendly. Even worse, when I finished the flight with Malindo I found out my luggage was heavily damaged. And the goods in another check-in were also terribly hit. I've flown regularly but my luggage has never been treated that way with such strong force. 3060401 3060403 3060402
馬印航空 alindo Air 搭乘心得 - 極差評
發布時間: 2020-02-09推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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