10/3要酷航飛東京,9/30信箱收到這封bid for a ScootBiz seat的信, 目前好像還沒看到有人討論過,想請問有沒有前輩的經驗談, 如,曾以多少錢得標?升等後原先購買的行李重量是往上加還是? 等等 EMAIL內容如下: Bid for a ScootBiz seat, and you might get an upgrade for the price you like. Hi, Bid for a ScootBiz seat, and you might get an upgrade for the price you like. Want a premium flying experience? 1.Click on the Bid 4 Biz button below. 2.Enter your bidding price. 3.Review and submit your request. 4.Get notified at least 24h before departure. The ScootBiz experience includes: •Comfortable Business Class Leather Seat with twice the legroom of standard seat. •20kg Check-in baggage allowance for every passenger. •15kg (two bags) of carry-on baggage. •Free meal, drink and snack. •Inflight Entertainment. •Priority Check-in and Boarding. Note you can place your bid up to 25 h before every departure (except on Routes departing from China for which bids have to be 2 days before departure).
Bid for a ScootBiz seat 求經驗談
發布時間: 2014-09-30推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
- 1【酷航Scoot】酷航商務艙Scootbiz初體驗TPE-CTS新千歲來回 ...
SCOOT酷航開航北海道CTS新千歲機場航點以來,成績一直都很不錯 ... 基於去程的良好經驗,我手癢就無聊下標了,沒記錯我用八千日幣去競標,沒想到就升等成功. SCOOT酷航開航北海道CTS...
- 2Scoot -Bid 4 Biz 和Airasia-Optiontown - 美麗人生Life is Beautiful
這回因爲買到酷航促銷票且帶了2位長輩,所以試著去競標酷航商務艙。去年搭亞航到吉隆坡,在出發前也用過類似方式Optiontown ESO(Empty seat ... 這回因爲買到酷航促銷票且帶...
- 3美剧纸牌屋第四季(MP3+中英字幕) - 国金期货
And for that reason I am ending my bid... 因此,我将结束 ... 我们可以拿唐纳德的经验做卖点. He's filled the ... I lose ...
- 4Bid for a ScootBiz seat 求經驗談 - 背包客棧
[廉價航空]10/3要酷航飛東京,9/30信箱收到這封bid for a ScootBiz seat的信,目前好像還沒看到有人討論過,想請問有沒有前輩的經驗談,如,曾以多少 ... 10/...
- 5Bid for a ScootBiz seat 求经验谈 - 背包客栈
[廉价航空]10/3要酷航飞东京,9/30信箱收到这封bid for a ScootBiz seat的信,目前好像还没看到有人讨论过,想请问有没有前辈的经验谈,如,曾以多少 ...
- 6Part Four - Reader
"Scoot up to the attic and get my box of dress patterns, Mammy," she cried, giving her a slight s...