I intend to visit and have short stay in SeraJey Tibetan Monastery in Bylakuppe, Mysore district, Karnataka, do I have to apply PAP - protected area permit ? How and where to apply PAP ? 有意到南印度西藏難民營里的色拉寺參觀短住,要申請特別準証嗎?如何申請?
PAP - protected area permit
發布時間: 2011-12-30推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
- 1Protected Area Permit (PAP) | Bureau of His Holiness the ...
i The Need for Secular Ethics in Modern Education ...
- 2Protected Area Permit (PAP) | Bön Children's Home
General Information: All the Tibetan settlements established in India are classified as Protect...
- 3Protected Area Permit(PAP) « Tibet Office, Brussels
General Information: All the Tibetan settlements established in India are classified as Protect...
- 4Protected Area Permit (PAP) - Arunachal Pradesh Forum ...
Hello all,I am really confused about the PAP application and i hope you will be able to shed so...
- 5Protected and restricted areas in India and Protected area permit
If you are planning to the travel to India as an immigrant there are several areas of expertise...
- 6Protected and restricted areas of India - Wikipedia
The Foreigners (Protected Areas) Order 1958 states that a Protected Area Permit (PAP) is requ...