各位好 本人之前有取得過TRV (TEMPORARY RESIDENT VISA ) 2010 8 25 TO 2011 8 24 在居留期間離開菲律賓, 目前剛好過期, 最近要回去菲律賓, 已申辦旅遊簽, 不知道大家知不知道我回去菲律賓後我的TRV 是否還可以EXTEND? 還是要從新再辦一次? 感恩
發布時間: 2011-09-09推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
- 1Application for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa - TRV)
If you meet the criteria for the travel exemptions, and you want to apply to come to Canada, th...
- 2Temporary Resident Visa | Confederation College
A visitor visa (also called a temporary resident visa) is an official document that IRCC inse...
- 3Temporary Resident Visa for Canada | Moving2Canada
Coming to Canada as a Permanent Resident?Provincial healthcare may not cover you for your first...
- 4Temporary Resident Visa
I am an alien whose country has no immigration reciprocity agreement with the Philippines. I am...
- 5Temporary Residence Visa - VFS Global
Australia's temporary residence policy facilitates the entry, on a temporary basis, of people w...
- 6What is a temporary resident visa (TRV)? - Canada.ca
This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the d...