【2016 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY】 1799982 還記得小時候,媽媽帶著我們到處玩 長大了,卻忘了陪伴才是最好的禮物 今年最好的母親節禮物,就是不管到那,都有你陪著媽媽到處玩 Tiger wow 和你一起愛媽媽、陪媽媽,只要輸入促銷碼 「IT25SALE」 全航線 75折起 訂票去:http://www.tigerair.com/tw/zh/index.php 購票期間:2016/5/4 09:00 ~ 5/4 23:59 搭乘期間:2016/5/9- 06/30 注意事項: 1. 此優惠僅適用於台灣虎航官方網站www.tigerair.com訂購。恕不適用於行動裝置app購票。 2. 適用訂位期間內,在官網「促銷代碼」欄位輸入後,點選「立即搜索」搜尋航班及票價,票價處標示刪除線之促銷票價,即為本次折扣後之票價。 訂位時出現的售價為加上機場稅之含稅價 (5月份機場稅參考金額:台北/高雄TWD500、澳門TWD586、大阪TWD880、東京成田TWD755、東京羽田TWD772、名古屋 TWD743、福岡TWD281、沖繩TWD289、曼谷TWD679、新加坡TWD808、張家界TWD453、沙巴亞庇TWD573、大邱 TWD654) 3. 每個航班優惠價機位開放銷售之日期及機位數有限,售完為止 4. 僅適用於台灣虎航航班(IT開頭的航班號碼) 5. 更多注意事項詳見下列說明網頁 http://www.tigerairtw.com/notice.html
發布時間: 2016-05-03推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
- 1Mother's Day (2016) - IMDb
Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts in Mother's Day (2016) Garry Marshall in ... and Gabi (Chalke)...
- 2When Is Mother's Day 2016? | HuffPost Canada Parents
That means in 2016, the celebration falls on Sunday, May 8. ... Victoria Beckham wished her mom a...
- 3Happy Mother's Day 2016 Wishes: Best SMS, WhatsApp and ...
Lets make this day a bit special for all mothers and do not forget to express your endless love t...
- 4Mother's Day (2016 film) - Wikipedia
Mother's Day is a 2016 American romantic comedy film directed by Garry Marshall and written ... H...
- 5Happy Mother's Day 2016 Quotes: Top 10 best famous ...
Mother's Day is observed on May 8, 2016 and Mother's Day celebration goes back to the ancient era...
- 6Happy Mother's Day - Pinterest
May 5, 2016 - Explore Summer O'Brien's board "Happy Mother's Day", followed by 1091 people on Pin...