前往 11大航空公司雪具託運規則總整理 -

發布時間: 2020-10-27
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我自己回答自己的問題 研究了半天 AA航空的限制是 1.加設雪板+雪鞋各一袋 分開裝的話 假設獨立鞋袋的總尺寸不得超過114cm/45 in 必須和板袋綁一起 上述 可以視為1件行李 2.如果都裝的下板袋 板袋全部限制在 320cm以下就好 ps.安全帽不能算在同滑雪用具內,需裝在行李中,另外滑雪用的蠟不能帶上飛機

想請教一下 有打算選擇美國航空從台灣飛去加拿大(溫哥華) 有看到託運行理規定如下: SKIS: WATER OR SNOW / SNOWBOARDS Allowance/Requirements One pair of skis/snowboard and one bag containing a pair of ski /board boots only Cost One pair of skis/snowboard and one boot bag containing only boots/bindings will be treated as a single item with the applicable checked bag charge. Boot bag must not exceed 45 linear inches (length + width + height) and must contain only boots/bindings. Boot bags that contain other articles will be subject to the excess baggage charge for a single piece. Maximum Weight and Size One pair of skis/snowboard up to 126 inches and one boot bag containing boots/bindings only and not to exceed 45 dimensional inches (length + width + height) Additional Information Lighters or torches for applying ski wax are considered dangerous goods and are not allowed in checked or carry-on baggage 想請問的是 1.雪板最大長度是 126 inches 大概300 cm 但是有有提到長寬高 不能超過 45 inches 2.請問有人搭成過嗎? 3.我的板袋長官高加起來最多 220cm ,不知道可不可以搭成 感謝