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- 1六七暴動- 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
呢單嘢係1967年5月6號喺香港開始,其後陸續爆發連串暴動事件,持續咗七個月,後嚟以年份命名事件叫做「六七暴動」。 六七暴動係香港歷史上最大鑊嘅社會動亂之一,死亡 ... ...
- 2Riots-1967 collection - The Civil Rights History Project
The Newark Riot of 1967 began with the arrest of a cab driver named John Smith, who allegedly dro...
- 3May Days in Hong Kong: Riot and Emergency in 1967
In this study of the anti-colonial riots which erupted in Hong Kong in May 1967, the authors shed...
- 41967 Hong Kong riots - Wikipedia
The 1967 Hong Kong riots were large-scale riots by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sympathisers aga...
- 5History - US Marshals and the Pentagon Riot of October 21 ...
By 7:00 o'clock Sunday morning, most of the protestors had left; only 200 remained. The October 1...
- 61967 Detroit Riots - Causes, Facts & Police - HISTORY
The 1967 Detroit Riots were among the most violent and destructive riots in U.S. history. By the ...