前往 【自驾圈】求助,阿布扎比过境签机票必须人工订?给阿提哈德

發布時間: 2020-10-29
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往【自驾圈】求助,阿布扎比过境签机票必须人工订?给阿提哈德 ...




航空公司發mail説Suspension of Ticket,原文是這麼説的: We were unable to authenticate the payment details of your booking; therefore your ticket has been suspended on security grounds. We have taken this action bearing in mind the interest of the cardholder. If you are the cardholder who purchased the ticket online then please carry your original card for verification at the airport check-in counter when you travel. Alternatively you could contact the nearest Etihad ticketing office and verify your original credit card along with a photo-id if you do not wish to give your / original credit card to the traveller. 什麼叫安全性問題呀?他這意思是説我登機的時候帶著卡去就成了嗎?還是要提前找到代理點去驗證啊?票還能給我們保留嗎?現在的價格已經比我定的時候高了好多了