前往 BOOKING大問題~~緊急求救!!!! -

發布時間: 2020-08-11
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往BOOKING大問題~~緊急求救!!!! - 背包客棧





您好, 同事已回覆私信給您,麻煩請您查看。若有疑問,歡迎您再次與我們團隊聯繫。Aven SOS!!!!我們原先已經都訂好義大利的酒店,後來同事今天收到booking致信表示他升級成genius級可打九折,後來同事就做了取消A酒店新訂B酒店(應該是第一封回覆的事情) 還有取消C酒店(C1) 在重新訂一次C(C2) 因為第一次在booking取消訂房,收到信很緊張,有沒有棧友能協助>< (第一封是說 因為取消不收費是不被允許的,但現在取消B是不跟我們收錢的,但我們B也取消,A在做這件事情也取消了,這樣不是沒地方住了?) (第二封是說要幫我們免費取消C2訂單?那C1預約還會在嗎) 謝謝萬事拜託,感覺晚上要失眠了 第一封 We noticed that you made this new reservation with The Best Hotel (nr. 725868271). Please note that the Property already charge your credit card for the reservation nr. 980.074.577 (98 EUR in total) and they do not agree to cancel that reservation free of charge, since the policy that you booked is Not-Refundable. However, we are apply to inform you that the Property confirmed us that they agree to cancel the new reservation nr. 725868271, free of charge. Please confirm us if you wish to proceed with the cancellation of this reservation as soon as possible. 第二封 We are writing to you regarding your reservation 980074577 at The Best Hotel, check-in date 2014-06-05, and check-out date 2014-06-06. We want to inform you that The Best Hotel already charged you for 96 euros. This reservation is Non Refundable and can not be cancelled without pay the cancellation penalty. The Best Hotel will reinstate it free of charge. The Best Hotel also told us you made a reservation 783.314.924. The best hotel will allow to cancel this reservation, 783.314.924, free of charge and we will made straight away. In case you want to discuss by phone please feel free to contact our customer service number. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.

我覺得從語意上看不出booking.com可以幫你取消nr. 980.074.577這筆已經進行的取消 但是可以確定的是booking.com可以幫你取消 nr. 725868271 且不收費 你可能要快打客服看可不可以不要進行nr. 980.074.577這筆的取消 第二封信比較好解決 C Hotel可以免費幫你們恢復C1的訂單且取消C2的訂單 還是打客服問問或者寄信給booking.com的背包客帳號吧~

SOS!!!!我們原先已經都訂好義大利的酒店,後來同事今天收到booking致信表示他升級成genius級可打九折,後來同事就做了取消A酒店新訂B酒店(應該是第一封回覆的事情) 還有取消C酒店(C1) 在重新訂一次C(C2) 因為第一次在booking取消訂房,收到信很緊張,有沒有棧友能協助>< (第一封是說 因為取消不收費是不被允許的,但現在取消B是不跟我們收錢的,但我們B也取消,A在做這件事情也取消了,這樣不是沒地方住了?) (第二封是說要幫我們免費取消C2訂單?那C1預約還會在嗎) 謝謝萬事拜託,感覺晚上要失眠了 第一封 We noticed that you made this new reservation with The Best Hotel (nr. 725868271). Please note that the Property already charge your credit card for the reservation nr. 980.074.577 (98 EUR in total) and they do not agree to cancel that reservation free of charge, since the policy that you booked is Not-Refundable. However, we are apply to inform you that the Property confirmed us that they agree to cancel the new reservation nr. 725868271, free of charge. Please confirm us if you wish to proceed with the cancellation of this reservation as soon as possible. 第二封 We are writing to you regarding your reservation 980074577 at The Best Hotel, check-in date 2014-06-05, and check-out date 2014-06-06. We want to inform you that The Best Hotel already charged you for 96 euros. This reservation is Non Refundable and can not be cancelled without pay the cancellation penalty. The Best Hotel will reinstate it free of charge. The Best Hotel also told us you made a reservation 783.314.924. The best hotel will allow to cancel this reservation, 783.314.924, free of charge and we will made straight away. In case you want to discuss by phone please feel free to contact our customer service number. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.