前往 機場出境常用英文寂天講堂- 寂

發布時間: 2020-07-17
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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謝謝分享 卡撒哈咪搭

下個月就要去澳洲了, 第一次出國~ 感謝您的經驗分享及教學! 讓心理的忐忑減少些並且有所準備

謝謝您! 解救我的蔡英文! 太實用了!


9月的第一次自由行 感覺有一點點安心了...




一個一個字做筆記了!! 感謝分享!!


非常實用!! 月中就要出國了,快來惡補一下~~ 感謝 : D

很高興看到這篇機場出境的文章 很實用喔!!對我很有幫助,謝謝你!^^ 以前都在澳洲打工度假版看文,盡然不知道旅行外語版的資訊很多,要多來這裡了。 大力的推

謝謝^^ 對於新手的我~超實用的!!



天啊 好完整 感謝分享

非常實用,收藏學習。謝謝! 對我這個英語幼稚園的程度幫助很大~



第一次出國,超級感謝版主的用心,很實用的資訊用,(Y) (Y)


Thank you for the information.(A)



出國旅遊的第一步,到機場搭飛機羅~~~~~~ ●Departure 出境 terminal 航廈 lobby 大廳 departure time 出發時間 arrival time 抵達時間 ETA(estimated time of arrival) 預定抵達時間 information 詢問處 check in 登機手續 board 登機 embark boarding pass 登機證 boarding gate 登機門 boarding time 登機時間 check in counter 登機手續櫃檯 baggage inspection 隨身行李檢查 baggage allowance 行李重量限制 excess baggage 過重行李 claim tag 行李提領券 check-in baggage 托運行李 umaccopanied baggage carry-on baggage 隨身行李 airport tax 機場稅 passport control 護照檢查 security check 安全檢查 airport lounge 侯機室 embarkation 出境 transit 過境 pass through transfer 轉機 connecting flight 轉機航班 謝謝!(F)(F)

感謝版主 非常實用 後天就要出去了 好緊張

這個超實用 已經拿筆抄下來了^^



謝謝版主分享,幫助超級大的!! THANKS(L)


謝謝^^ 對於新手的我~超實用的!! (Y)



真的很詳細 希望這個論壇一直在...

整理好仔細!!!感謝樓主!!!(跪謝) 希望多少有點幫助囉 謝謝啦 有空常來坐



桃園機場網站提供的 請參考 http://www.taoyuanairport.gov.tw/chinese/service/lib_c.jsp 中英詞彙對照表 編號 中文英文 1 機場 Airport 2 國內線航廈 Domestic Terminal 3 國際線航廈 International Terminal 4 貨運站 Cargo Terminal 5 維修棚廠 Maintenance Hanger 6 航空公司 Airlines 7 華信航空 Mandarin Airlines 8 立榮航空 Uni Air 9 遠東航空 Far Eastern Air Transport 10 復興航空 TransAsia Airways 11 中華航空 China Airlines 12 長榮航空 Eva Air 13 港龍航空 Dragon Air 14 日本航空 Japan Airlines International Co.,Ltd. 15 泰國航空 Thai Airlines 16 馬來西亞航空 Malaysia Airlines 17 越南太平洋航空 Pacific Airlines 18 越南航空 Viet Air 19 澳門航空 Air Macau 20 國泰航空 Cathay Pacific Airways 21 新加坡航空 Singapore Airlines 22 聯合航空 United Airlines 23 西北航空 Northwest Airlines 24 大韓航空 Korean Air 25 韓亞航空 Asiana 26 全日本空輸 All Nippon Airways 27 菲律賓航空 Philippine Airlines 28 印尼航空 Garuda Indonesia 29 荷蘭航空 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines 30 柬埔寨總統航空 President Airlines 31 旅客 Passenger 32 登機門 Boarding Gate 33 報到櫃檯 Check-in Counter 34 行李磅秤 Luggage Scale 35 機場稅 Departure Fee(Airport Tax) 36 安全檢查 Security Check 37 候機室 Waiting Room 38 航班顯示看板 Flight Information Board 39 準時 On Time 40 延誤 Delay 41 護照 Passport 42 機票 Ticket 43 登機證 Boarding Pass 44 頭等艙 First Class 45 商務艙 Business Class 46 經濟艙 Economy Class 47 時刻表 Timetable 48 貴賓室 VIP Lounges 49 接駁車 Shuttle Bus 50 過境室 Transit Room 51 入境大廳 Arrival Lobby 52 行李 Baggage 53 行李托運 Baggage Delivery 54 提領行李 Baggage Claim 55 手提行李 Carry-on Bag 56 存關行李 Bonded Baggage 57 行李標籤 Luggage Tag 58 行李手推車 Luggage Cart(Trolley) 59 行李打包服務 Baggage Baling Service 60 服務台 Information Counter 61 海關服務櫃檯 Customs Service Counter 62 入出境辦公室 Immigration Office 63 動植物檢疫局 Animal & Plant Quarantine 64 觀光局旅客服務中心 Tourism Bureau Service Center 65 旅行同業公會服務櫃檯 Association of Travel Agents Information 66 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History 67 銀行 Bank 68 郵局 Post Office 69 寄物櫃 Coin Locker 70 吸煙室 Smoking Room 71 祈禱室 Praying Room 72 外幣兌換 Foreign Currency Exchange 73 餐廳 Restaurant 74 免稅商店 Duty-Free Shop 75 租車櫃檯 Rental Counter 76 保險 Insurance Counter 77 公共電話 Public Telephone 78 自動提款機 ATM 79 身心障礙服務 Service For The Disabled 80 跑道 Runway 81 停機坪 Apron 82 空橋 Ramp  83 到站等候區 Greeting Area 84 塔台 Control Tower 85 接駁停機坪 Remove Parking Bay 86 出境 Departure 87 入境 Arrival

我記得,我從AU 要出境的時候(到櫃台CHECK IN 的時候),櫃台小姐 有問了我一個問題 板主....請問你知道並了解這方面的完整對話嗎? 不知道大家有沒有被問過??? 嗯.....我想那是一套制式的問題 大家都有被問過吧 不過好像除了說沒有、沒有.....之外 還真是不記得他們問了什麼 下次有誰搭飛機的話帶個錄音機去把他們的問話錄起來再放上來好了 哈~~ 查了一下桃園機場關於搭機禁帶物品的說明 中文的請看這頁 http://www.taoyuanairport.gov.tw/chinese/tourist/restrict_c.jsp#top6 或是外交部的公告 http://www.boca.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=2042&ctNode=3&mp=1 英文的請參考 http://www.taoyuanairport.gov.tw/english/tourist/restrict_e.jsp 上面就有提供所有不能帶的物品的英文 大家可以熟悉一下 請樣被問到時就比較不會太慌亂了 不過我想大家都只要一直說no no no就可以了 不過當然也要據實以報啦 Articles prohibited on the aircraft For safety reasons, dangerous articles such as those listed below, must not be carried in passengers' baggage. Compressed gases: (Deeply refrigerated, flammable, non-flammable and poisonous) such as butane, oxygen, liquid nitrogen, aqualung cylinders. Corrosives: such as acids, alkalis, mercury and wet cell batteries. Explosives: munitions, fireworks and flares Flammable liquids and solids : such as lighter fuel, matches, paints, thinners, fire-lighters Radioactive materials Brief-cases and attache cases with installed alarm devices Oxidizing materials such as bleaching powder, peroxides Poisons and infectious substances such as insecticides, weed-killers and live virus materials Other dangerous articles according to the standards of international airlift association. THANKS FOR YOUR FULL COOPERATION IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT THE AIRLINE STAFF Articles not hand carried but checked in Tourism appliances: Such as fixature,liquids with alcohol !]passengers can carry a bottle of fixature or other styling liquid whose weight is below 0.25 litre). Spirituous drinks: Spirituous drinks whose weight is below 5 litres or alcohol content is below 70%(V/V) must be checked in or bonded. Tools and Sticks: All sorts of sticks,bats,golf clubs,hoes,hammers,screwdrivers,saws,knives,Chinese choppers,scissors and so on ;and all kinds of weapons including firearms,ammunition,knives and so on. Other articles that have possible affection to flight safety Articles Restricted from Entry Counterfeit currency (eg coins or bank notes) and security notes; plates and other articles for the production of forged currency. Arms (including shotguns, spear guns, and airguns), ammunition, cartridges, explosives, poisonous gas, assault knives and other weapons of war. Opium, poppy seeds, cannabis indica, cocaine, synthetic narcotics and their derivatives and products. All restricted substances and drugs of non-prescription and non-medicinal nature (including marijuana). Toy guns and gun-shaped appliances. Articles infringing the rights of patented or copyrighted designs and trademarks. Contraband articles as specified by other laws, e.g. soil, fresh fruits, animals and plants (and their products) without quarantine or from epidemic areas; or salmon, trout, perch, catfish, carp, shrimp spawner without quarantine. Any endangered species of wildlife or products thereof, unless a statement of concordance to import is obtained in advance from the authority concerned Articles prohibited carried for departure Copies of books reproduced without authorization from the legal copyright holders (except for personal use) and plates for printing such copies (including matrices and photographic negatives). Copies of phonograph records reproduced without authorization from the legal copyright holders (except for personal use),mother plates for reproducing such copies, and round labels and jackets for such records. Copies of recording tapes, videotapes, video (or audio) compact discs and computer software reproduced without authorization from the legal copyright holders (except for personal use). Genuine Chinese antiques, ancient coins and paintings. Weapons (including shotguns, spear guns and airguns), cartridges, ammunition, explosives, poisonous gas, assault knives,and other materials of war. Publications, pictures, documents and other articles propagating Communism or in contravention of national policies. Counterfeit or manipulated bank notes, security notes, stamps, revenue stamps and other revenue receipts. Opium, poppy seeds, cannabis indica, cocaine, synthetic narcotics, and their derivatives and products. Contraband articles as specified by other laws, e.g. false or prohibited medicine, animal specimens, plant sprouts, etc. Any endangered species of wildlife or products thereof unless a statement of concordance to export is obtained in advance from the authority concerned. About telecommunication equipment Restricted Telecommunications Articles: All passengers wishing to carry controlled telecommunications articles into Taiwan should first obtain import permits from the Telecommunications Bureau, and on arrival present them to the First, Second and Third Sections of Security Inspection, Aviation Police at the airport. Restricted telecommunications items include: (1)transceivers (2)transmitters (3)receivers (4)intercoms (5)radio controllers (6)auto cordless telephones (7)radars (8)wireless microphones (9)broadcasting or interference electronic equipment (10)anti-track radars (11)telecommunications ciphering equipment

我記得,我從AU 要出境的時候(到櫃台CHECK IN 的時候),櫃台小姐 有問了我一個問題 不過我並沒有完全聴懂他所有詢問我的句子,但有懂些關鍵字 堆測好像是問我你的托運行李中有沒有危險物品(dangerous),ex:打火機,易燃物....etc 之後我有問他我的行李中有打火機,那是不是要丟掉不能戴上飛機呢? 我又聴了一頭霚水,但又聴的懂一些關鍵字carry, 猜測應該是可以變為隨身行李,但過海關時要給他檢查或告知之類的吧? 板主....請問你知道並了解這方面的完整對話嗎? 不知道大家有沒有被問過???

行李直掛 一般旅遊問題 > 【交通】 這句英文如何說 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=8983 給個比較一般的說法如下,請各位參考看看 A: How many bags do you want to check in? A: 你有幾件行李要托運? B: Two, to Los Angles. B: 二件,要到洛杉磯。 A: All right, put them on the scale. A: 好的,請把行李擺在磅秤上。 B: O.K. Here you go. B: 好,都在這裡。 A: This one is 10 pounds overweight, sir. A: 這一件超重十磅。 B: Oh, yes? What's your weight limit? And how much do you charge for the overweight? B: 噢,是嗎?你們的重量限制是多少?超重的部分你們怎樣算錢?  A: The weight limit is 70 pounds and we charge 3 dollars for each extra pound. A: 重量限制是七十磅,超過的部分一磅收三塊錢。 Part 2. Practice • 詢問航空公司櫃檯 Is this the counter to check in for the flight to San Francisco? 到舊金山的班機是在這裡辦理登機手續嗎? • 詢問行李擺哪裡 Where should I place my baggage? 我的行李要擺在什麼地方? • 托運行李有二件 A: How much baggage do you have? A: 你有幾件行李? B: Two pieces. B: 二件。 A: Put them on the scale one at a time. A: 請一件一件地擺到磅秤上來。 Part 3. 觀光英語小百科 • 〈 check in 〉可以指行李托運,也可以指到機場的報到手續。通常到了機場, 都要先確定有沒有劃好機位,所以一定要再〈 check in 〉。 •亞洲線的〈 weight limit 〉(行李重量限制)通常較低,但飛美國則可以攜帶 兩件七○磅(三十二公斤)的行李。只要是最終目的地在美國,雖然先飛日本再轉 機,到日本的這一段也不受亞洲線重量的限制。

●登機時要用到的會話 我要辦xxx班機的登機手續 *I'd like to check in for flight no.XXXXXX. 可以給我靠窗的座位嗎? *Could I have a window seat, please? 這是我的拖運行李 *These are my check-in baggage. 有超過重量限制嗎? *Is it over the baggage allowance? *Is it too heavy? 行李超重要收多少錢? *How much do you charge for excess baggage? 這個袋子可以帶進機艙嗎? *Can I take this bag on as carry-on baggage?

●機票上的欄位 ISSUED BY~ 開票航空公司 ENDORSEMENT/RES TRICTION 背書轉讓限制/不准背書轉讓 NAME OF PASSENGER 旅客姓名 DATE OF ISSUE 開票日 ORIGIN/DESTINATION 起迄點 CARRIER 航空公司名稱縮寫 FLIGHT 班機號碼 CLASS 訂位艙等(頭等艙F、商務艙C、經濟艙Y) DATE 出發日期 TIME 當地起飛時間 STATUS 座位狀況(OK表確定、RQ/HL表後補) FARE BASIS 票價總類 NOT VALID BEFORE~ 在~日期前搭乘無效 NOT VALID AFTER~ 在~日期後搭乘無效 ALLOW 行李重量限制 FARE 票面價 FARE CALCULATION 票價計算資料 AIRLINE CODE 航空公司3碼數字代號

●Departures Schedule 班機起降表 Airline 航空公司 Flight NO. 班機代號 To 前往 Scheduled 預定時間 Will Depart 實際出發時間 Remarks 附註 Gate 登機門 Final Call 最後登機廣播 Check-in Row 辦理登機手續中

出國旅遊的第一步,到機場搭飛機囉~~~~~~ ●Departure 出境 terminal 航廈 lobby 大廳 departure time 出發時間 arrival time 抵達時間 ETA(estimated time of arrival) 預定抵達時間 information 詢問處 check in 登機手續 board 登機 embark boarding pass 登機證 boarding gate 登機門 boarding time 登機時間 check in counter 登機手續櫃檯 baggage inspection 隨身行李檢查 baggage allowance 行李重量限制 excess baggage 過重行李 claim tag 行李提領券 check-in baggage 托運行李 umaccopanied baggage carry-on baggage 隨身行李 airport tax 機場稅 passport control 護照檢查 security check 安全檢查 airport lounge 侯機室 embarkation 出境 transit 過境 pass through transfer 轉機 connecting flight 轉機航班