前往 外交部領事事務局全球資訊網

發布時間: 2020-10-01
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票





謝謝你~~ 在第三國辦簽證真的好麻煩歐> <

在駐吉隆坡的菲律賓大使館網站上查到的 http://www.philembassykl.org.my/consular.htm#Visa_Requirements Requirements for visa application 1. Duly accomplished and duly signed Application Form (Signed by the Applicant) *Application form should be endorsed to a Commissioner for Oaths for non-appearing applicant 2. Malaysian company letter (if holder of working visa) / Letter from the School (if holder of student visa) 3. Letter of Invitation from the inviting person in the Philippines (tourism purposes) / Letter of Invitation from the Philippine company (business purposes) 4. Copy of two way air ticket / flight itinerary 5. Copy of confirmed hotel booking 6. Original passport valid for at least six (6) months and passport copy (data page and valid visa) 7. One (1) recent colored passport-size photo 8. Other requirements as may be requested by the Visa Officer upon assessment. Visa Fee: Processing Period: Non-restricted - RM211.75 Two (2) working days Restricted - RM250.25 Eight (8) working days Originals and photocopies of the required documents should be submitted upon filing of the application. Applicants and visitors are requested to come appropriately attired. 希望能幫到你

請問 如果再馬來西亞持"台灣護照" 要怎麼辦菲律賓簽證 已爬過文,但是還是看不太懂 1 請問我們可以直接到菲律賓當地在辦落地簽嗎? 沒有帶台灣的身分證、有照片 2 如果在馬來西亞辦 哪裡可以辦?要準備什麼資料? 上網查詢有看到保證人申明書,可是沒有認識當地人該怎麼辦? 不知道該怎麼弄~~有點慌張 麻煩了 謝謝