前往 Travel2be買機票出問題@ 小玫瑰園LittleRose :: 痞

發布時間: 2020-08-04
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往Travel2be買機票出問題@ 小玫瑰園LittleRose :: 痞客邦::




可參考站內的搜尋結果: https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/sitesearch.php?q=Travelgenio 另有兩篇可以參考: 在travelgenio訂機票,退票成功經驗分享 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=10183792 travelgenio訂票 她先扣款了 但事後回覆預訂已被取消。請與客服聯繫。但是又連絡不上 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=10111707

a)跟你差不多時間發出的文有三篇關於travelgenio主題了,先試試跟那群與你相同遭遇的人詢問吧... 官方已經聲明優先受理72小時後起飛的案子如以下: 3. CONTACT TRAVELGENIO More clients than usual are contacting Travelgenio at this time, which is generating delays in responses. In order to provide service that is as agile as possible, priority is being given to clients with imminent departure dates. Therefore, clients whose flights do not depart within the next 72 hours are asked to refrain from contacting us; if they do, we encourage them to use the MyTrips section of our website instead of reaching us by phone. b)從官網Q&A有看到客服專線,0034 902-909-981, 0034是西班牙國際區號 3. What do I need to do if the confirmation page does not appear or I do not receive any confirmation email? If you do not receive the confirmation email after you have made your booking, please contact our customer service department by calling 0034 902-909-981 or by sending us an email (https://in.travelgenio.com/customerservices/en-GB/254). Before contacting us, please check that our reservation email did not end up in the spam box of your email account. 資料來自 http://in.travelgenio.com/pages/flight-faqs c)另外若是原訂的航班已經被取消也不需要聯絡官方要求退款,航空公司會主動處理,網站的My Trips項目可以追蹤到退費的狀況,所以航班停飛事情就更簡單. 2. CHANGES TO YOUR TRIP In cases of flights cancelled by airlines, it is not necessary to contact the agency to request a refund, as this request from the carrier is automatically made. Refund wait times depend on the airline. Given the current situation, they are taking longer than usual to issue them. In the “My Trips” section you can track the status of a refund, and manage your reservations in general. 來源 http://uk.travelgenio.com/pages-information-regarding-covid-19-coronavirus

大家好 第一次發帖 請多包涵 我通過travelgeinio購買了機票 但由於現在疫情嚴重 我想取消機票 但完全無法聯絡上客服 這個網站主要通過自己的線上的表格聯絡 但我輸入的我的購買郵箱 他卻顯示沒有相關購買記錄 真的很狗血 以至於無法進行下一步操作 望有經驗者指點迷津 謝謝