前往 宿務太平洋航空關於往返臺灣地區和菲律賓的班機公告 - Cebu

發布時間: 2020-09-21
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往宿務太平洋航空關於往返臺灣地區和菲律賓的班機公告 - Cebu ...




我這次飛長灘島,在馬尼拉要轉機到卡蒂克蘭時 到T4才知道班機被取消= = 後來看mail也沒有任何通知,整個超傻眼 結果後來雖然有被宿航安排到菲航去 但時間整整delay了兩個小時後才飛… 到長灘島都已經快中午了…超囧

我當時是寫mail跟客服人員溝通 標題愈聳動,回信效率愈高⋯⋯ 半夜兩三點發的,回覆較快。 你自己去預定處修改可能會有費用產生唷 了解,謝謝你的回覆.

我當時是寫mail跟客服人員溝通 標題愈聳動,回信效率愈高⋯⋯ 半夜兩三點發的,回覆較快。 你自己去預定處修改可能會有費用產生唷

Dear LIN, Cebu Pacific would like to inform you that your flight has been cancelled due to schedule realignment. However, we have mounted another flight which you may take in lieu of the cancelled flight. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Options available to the guests are as follows: •Rebook without charges for travel within 30 days •Put in Travel Fund ticket value without penalties (except for KOREA flights) •Refund without penalties Please click on the ACCEPT button below if above change is acceptable. If you wish to change or cancel your booking, please call us at the following numbers: Manila = (+632) 70-20-888 Cebu = (+6332) 230-8888 Hongkong = (+852) 39733800 Singapore = (+65) 31580808 Australia = (+612) 91192956 You may also proceed to the nearest Organic Cebu Pacific Ticket Office. accept-btn Sincerely yours, CEBU PACIFIC AIR 請有經驗的前輩指導一下 照他的內容我是否可以 "免費" 更改30天內的航班或取消,若是的話該如何操作?是直接去我的預訂更改嗎?