前往 [新手專區] 往返加拿大~台灣航線,建議使用之哩程計畫| T

發布時間: 2020-09-04
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您即將離開本站,並前往[新手專區] 往返加拿大~台灣航線,建議使用之哩程計畫| Trip+




請問7年內若有再次累積哩程,那第一次累積的哩程的效期是否在第2次累積哩程後,total的哩程數可以再延长7年嗎? 在加航網站上看不到~ Thanks

hi... According to your question about Aeroplan Mileage for Air Canada (AC)...the AC office is update the policy for Aeroplan member: (1) the Aeroplan Mileage is acumulate by individual basis...if you are travel with family of four (4) ..all of them "MUST" enroll the Aeroplan menbership prior to travel in order to the date of departure. Unlike Japan Airlines (JL), AC do not offer family membership for Aeroplan Member...so, the anser for your first question is "NO" (2) The validation date for Aeroplan menbership is seven (7) year from the date of the application...which means each member must have the Aeroplan membership activities within seven (7) year...other wise the membership will freeze for re-activities (some charges apply). there is the brief answer for your question, if you get futher question, please feel free to contact me: [email protected] (MSM) Stephen From YVR

來把答案告訴大家 ;-) 今年3月研究後 這當中也有fax給台北加拿大航空 可惜這業務她們不管 這要上網自己研究 也可以請她們代訂機位 但要花手續費  前提妳必須自己先把哩程補滿 像我是16,000哩 先用家人的哩程轉移給我,日本要20,000哩 但要線上刷卡喔 因為也是要費用 5/25~5/31已去名古屋 再參加日本國內團去北海道玩 

請問一下喔 今年暑假, 1家4口 搭加航, 請問哩程要怎麼累積? 可以轉換ㄇ? 期限多久ㄋ 因為都是英文的版面, :-$ 另外,我要出國時辦一張富邦A-MAIL 卡, 這累積點數, 可以到時再一起轉換哩程對嗎? tina.