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Victim blamingVictim blaming theory公正世界理論just world hypothesis中文Just-world hypothesis exampleFundamental attribution errorBelief in a just world 中文Attribution theoryJust world theoryCognitive dissonancebelief in a just world中文Melvin lernerJust world hypothesis
- 1公正世界理論- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
公正世界理論或公正世界謬誤(英語:Just-World Theory/Hypothesis),亦稱公平世界假定,是認知偏誤的一種。這個假說由美國心理學家Melvin Lerner所提出,相信的人...
- 2The Just World Theory - Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
The need to see victims as the recipients of their just deserts can be explained by what psycholo...
- 3General Belief in a Just World Is Positively Associated with ...
The just-world theory (Lerner, 1980) assumes that people want to believe that they live in a worl...
- 4just-world hypothesis – APA Dictionary of Psychology
just-world hypothesis the idea that the world is a fair and orderly place where what happens to p...
- 5Just-world hypothesis - Biases & Heuristics | The Decision Lab
The just-world hypothesis refers to our belief that the world is fair, and consequently, that the...
- 6The Just-World Phenomenon Overview and Examples
The just world phenomenon might explain why people sometimes fail to help or feel compassion for ...