前往 请问,这句话里“过招”啥意思? 我感觉,像是在和一个高手过招

發布時間: 2020-08-16
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往请问,这句话里“过招”啥意思? 我感觉,像是在和一个高手过招 ...




因為要辦理哥斯大黎加簽證 看不懂英文 請問下面這句話甚麼意思呢? To apply or a Visa to Costa Rica you will need to bring in person (no submission by post is accepted) the following documents to your appointment at the Embassy in Singapore. 你必須親自到在新加坡的使館辦理簽證 不能用郵寄的

因為要辦理哥斯大黎加簽證 看不懂英文 請問下面這句話甚麼意思呢? To apply or a Visa to Costa Rica you will need to bring in person (no submission by post is accepted) the following documents to your appointment at the Embassy in Singapore.