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很有用的詞彙: to have a silver lining - (在不好的情況裡的好的部分)eg 'The silver lining in the company rejecting your job application is that you can stay in M​​elbourne' waste not want not - (別浪費食物) eg 'If you're not going to finish something then you shouldn't order it. Waste not want not.' worst case scenario - (最不好的可能性) - 'My worst cases cenario is that my business fails completely to attract any customers.' it's not the end of the world - (沒什麼大不了)- 'So what if you get a bad mark on an essay? It's not the end of the world'. to go hell for leather - (全力以赴) 'I love this idea, let's go hell for leather.' crummy - (質量不好) - 'This hotel is really crummy'. to stick to your guns (堅持你自己的看法下去) - 'I believe in this and I'm sticking to my guns regardless of what anyone thinks'. to do something step by step (循序漸進) -'Training to be an engineer is a step by step process and takes a long time.' speak of the devil (說曹操曹操到) - 'What do you think of Robert - oh speak of the devil! Hi Robert!' to be right on the money (預見了某某事情) - 'I think you were right on the money when you said that Apple would succeed with the iPhone'. to be all sunshine and rainbows (高估某某事情為一個天堂像的) - 'Life in M​​elbourne is not all sunshine and rainbows, despite what people may think.' to be a leftie (左撇子) - 'I'm a leftie but most people are righties.' to play with fire (冒險) - 'Relying on the bus arriving on time is playing with fire if you need to arrive early.' to burn out (堅持某工作/事情到你不能又堅持的程度) - 'If I work any more than I'm working now I will burn out.' to be cashed up (有很多現金隨身) - 'Do you have cash on you? This place doesn't accept cards.' 'No worries, I'm all cashed up.' to come and go (來來去去) - 'The English class is fun, but people come and go a bit too much, if you know what I m​​ean. Like making friends at an airport sometimes.' to cook the books - (在會計的方面弄虛作假) - 'If people know that our company is in danger of going out of business, then they won't buy our products.' 'Yes, but we can't cook the books and pretend the everything is fine.' to spin (something) - (公關般地把一個不好的事情詮釋為一個沒有問題的) - 'The latest polls show that the government has lost the support of the people, but of course that's not the story that the government is spinning.' (to feel or be) laid back - (善於寬容別人/輕鬆做法) - 'How's your boss?' 'He's really good, very laid-back. As long as we do the work, we can basically do whatever we want. ' (to be) easygoing / carefree - (無憂無慮地) - 'I prefer the easygoing life in Australia compared to life in my home country, where people are always very busy.' (to be) like apples and oranges / like chalk and cheese - (他們沒有相似之處/他們很不同) - 'Are you similar to your parents?' 'I'm similar to my Mum, but my father and I are very different, like chalk and cheese.' to have nothing in common - (沒有共同的語言) - 'I find it quite hard to work with my boss, because basically we have nothing in common, so it's hard to find topics to talk about.' (to be a) wuss - (膽小鬼) - 'Don't be a wuss. If someone bullies you, then you should stand up to them!' (to be) scaredy-cat - (膽小鬼) - 'I don't want to try that, it looks too spicy.' 'Don't be such a scaredy-cat, Ron! It won't kill you!' to go off the rails - (走下坡,比如生活,事業,等等) - 'If my life goes off the rails here in Australia, then my backup plan is to go overseas and teach English.' to get weird - (人和人之間的關係冷淡下去,或越來越不舒服) - 'The relationship between me and my housemates is getting a bit weird. I have the feeling that they want me to move out so that one of their other friends can move in.' (to be a) weirdo - (變態) - 'On the tram there was a guy who asked me whether I had a boyfriend, and when I said yes he said we can still go out!' 'Sounds like a rea​​l weirdo!' (to be or seem) sleazy - (看上來是好色的) - 'I stopped going to nightclubs to meet people because a lot of them seemed a bit sleazy.' (to be) creepy - (他令某人感到不安全) - 'Sometimes on Facebook I get creepy message from people asking me to have coffee or dinner with them, who I've never met.' to be touchy about (something) / to have a sore spot about (something) - (某某話題/做法/行動/話等等容易讓他冒犯) - 'My friend can be a bit touchy about swearing, so when you meet him don't drop the f-bomb or say anything else like that.' f-bomb (以上的例子的) - (一個間接的方式指著英語的第二最不好的髒話詞) (to be) on the nose / on the outer - (被排斥) - 'Ex-US president George Bush disappointed so many people that he is now on the nose even with people in his own Republican party.' (to be a) bogan / derro - (澳大利亞的'chavs'或'rednecks',就是學歷不好,薪水不好,不是很修養的一群澳洲人) - 'I saw some guys drinking together on the train, one of them dropped their beer on the floor and it spilled everywhere.' 'How bogan!' to have tickets on (yourself) / (to be) bigheaded - (很驕傲) - 'I have a lot of confidence, which some people mistake for me having tickets on myself.' to bignote / to hype (yourself) - (吹捧自己) - 'Australians often don't like people who bignote themselves. That's why a lot of Australians make comments that are quite self-deprecating.' (to be a) freebie / bonus - (因為某原因一家公司或組織送你禮物/優惠) - 'Where did you get that bag?' 'It was a freebie. Volunteers were handing them out at my university's Orientation Day for new students'. to rip (someone) off - (宰人,價錢真的太高) - 'This computer is $5000. Doesn't sound right, I think they're trying to rip people off.' (to be) hard up - (過得不順,最主要於錢的問題) - 'Hey, I'm a bit hard up at the moment, could you help me buy today's groceries?' (to be a) big deal - (很重要的) - 'Do you think it's very important that I wear good clothes to an interview?' 'Yeah, it's usually kind of a big deal.'

大家好, 我是貓本免費英語課程系列老師之一(老外). 我編出了一個免費學習口頭英語的'app',已經上了iPhone和Google Play Stores. 我沒有學習過程序,所以我當下想免費地提供軟體-到它能值得付費的時候。也沒有廣告。 雖然名為'Australian English',絕大部分的詞彙所有的講英語的要知道/用。 我們已經覺得這個app運作好,但是我也很想知道人的建議。比如說:詞彙好嗎? Quiz太難,太容易嗎?功能怎能提高?我不能被人得罪,所以請直言而說。 在Google Play搜索'Australian English'為關鍵詞, 由於'Fun Learning Games'的還是戳一下的: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.funlearninggames.AustralianEnglish&hl=en 在Apple App Store搜索'Australian English Vocabulary'為關鍵詞,還是: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/australian-english-vocabulary/id694542839?ls=1&mt=8 你想問我什麼關於貓本/英語/coding/programming, 請問。 983085 983086