前往 Virage Hotel (美國Osprey) - Booking

發布時間: 2020-09-02
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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1. 第二筆USD300 是飯店刷的, 因為入住時苦主刷了張空白簽單當押金 2. 有用信用卡刷了一張空白單, 退房時並未取回空白簽單, 也未當場作廢 3. 是的, 跟訂房網站無關 我住房通常會取回空白簽單, 或著要求當場作廢, 苦主太大意了

七月初我一家四口透過 hotels.com 在Bentley's resort hotel at Osprey訂了兩間房. 費用已經支付給hotels.com, 但回國後發現每間都又被了150美金. 問題: 1.第二筆錢是飯店刷的還是hotels.com刷的?為何它有信用卡相關號碼可刷卡? 2.住宿check in時是否用信用卡刷了一張空白單或用現金付押金?如用信用卡刷了一張空白單,退房時空白單有取回或取消? 3.如果是飯店用你簽名付押金的空白單填上金額請款,那就跟hotels.com沒關係了. 我住宿不敢用信用卡刷了一張空白單付押金,只用現金付押金,退房時取回押金,如果飯店用你已簽名的空白單填上金額請款,後續會很麻煩.:-|:-|:-|

分享我同學住宿美國Bentley's resort hotel at Osprey 後,被旅館多扣信用卡款項US$300 的慘痛經驗, 目前由台新銀行協助處理中, 貼出來請各位棧友注意 苦主臉書原文https://www.facebook.com/tsuimin.tsai/posts/1159314037416728?comment_id=1159463430735122&notif_t=feed_comment_reply 中英原文如下: 歡迎分享轉貼 七月初我一家四口透過 hotels.com 在Bentley's resort hotel at Osprey訂了兩間房. 費用已經支付給hotels.com, 但回國後發現每間都又被了150美金,原先我以為是被重複收取費用,透過hotels.com才知道 這飯店說我們破壞了房間沙發,我們請飯店舉證說清楚,他們改口說是有東西遺失。我寫信給飯店經理,但一個多月了,完全沒有回應。 經由台新銀行協助查詢,前天得到的回覆是,每個房間都遺失6條大毛巾跟3條小毛巾,每條大毛巾20美元, 小毛巾10美元, 所以一個房間要收150美元。 真好笑的騙人手法,太低級又粗糙了。寫出來是希望提醒大家, hotels.com 是負責收錢訂房,發生糾紛或詐騙事情並不會幫你處理,還是要請銀行幫忙才行。這次,很謝謝台新銀行。 我覺得這飯店是存心要騙錢的,因為國際旅客不方便打電話追問,也許就算了,自己吞下去。飯店也許沒想到會被追問,被問到急了,就先說是房客破壞房間,無法舉證之後再改口說房間內有東西不見了,當我們要他列舉說明 300美元是怎麼算的,就變成一堆大小毛巾了,真的很可笑。 我們住的是一張床的雙人房,有人住過這種房間內有6條大毛巾的嗎?真是吹牛不打草稿,越想越覺得這飯店惡劣。 My family had a 10-day trip to the US in early July, and we stayed at Bentley's Hotel at Osprey for one night. We booked 2 rooms through hotels.com, pre-paid. Although the breakfast service was really slow and the location was not good, we still appreciated the fine decoration of the rooms, and made sure that we maintained the rooms clean and nice before we checked out. I thought I had a pleasant journey until...I received the credit card bill. I found this hotel charged me 150 USD each for one room, that is a total of 300 USD for 2 rooms. At first I thought it was due to mistake that they repeatedly charged the rooms, but after I checked with hotels.com and my credit card company, I got really angry. First, they said that they charged the money because the sofa was broken. My god! This is humiliating! We are sincere and nice people, we would never do anything like that. We asked them to show the evidence, then they said something was missing from the rooms and that equal to the amount of 150 USD for one room, so 300 USD for 2 rooms. My goodness, now we became thieves? We asked this hotel to list the items, so they finally come out a list... 6 large towels (20 USD each) and 3 small towels (10 USD each) were missing in each room, so 150 USD for each room. This is really humiliating and ridiculous, why would we take their used towels? And, so many, and to finish our international travel? Have you ever been in a deluxe hotel room with 6 shower towels? I wrote an email to the hotel manager, but I never received any answer. I am really unhappy and I have waited for their answer for more than one month, so I think it's time to make this open to the public to make sure that no one gets hurt again by this dishonest hotel.