我搭台北到英國的班機。機艙很新,尤其影視互動設備我個人覺得做得很棒!很user friendly! 盥洗包和毛毯真的有加分。 個人會推薦!
不知道各位大家是否有搭乘過阿提哈德航空(又稱阿聯航空),最近看到某些旅行程聯合航段中有此家航空公司,能否請有搭乘過的棧友分享撘乘經驗? 感謝 I am the silver card member of Etihad airways , it's a Abu Dhabi based ( Emirates airline is Dubai based company ) company , they have many fflights to major cities in Europe , but for Asia ,only Beijing , bangkok , tokyo , Singapore , KL , Jakarta , so you need to take another flight to any city in asia , the services are good and the price is good too even if you stop over in abu Dhabi .
你應該是問Etihad Airways吧!? 在阿布達比轉機,飛機是屬一屬二的豪華及優秀 服務也許不算親切,但是飛機餐,飲料都好 夜班飛機還有盥洗包,毛毯讓人的感覺也很高級
不知道各位大家是否有搭乘過阿提哈德航空(又稱阿聯航空),最近看到某些旅行程聯合航段中有此家航空公司,能否請有搭乘過的棧友分享撘乘經驗? 感謝