前往 被禁止進入歐盟成員國之航空公司列表- 维基百科,自由的百科

發布時間: 2020-10-26
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往被禁止進入歐盟成員國之航空公司列表- 维基百科,自由的百科 ...




亞洲的黑名單幾乎全在菲律賓和印尼裏.菲律賓所有的航空公司包括它們的國航Philippine Airlines,以及也有飛台灣的Cebu Paficic,還有印尼最大的民營航空Lion Air都榜上有名.

大多都是落後國家........ 不過....印尼的亞航居然也在裡面!! 嚇

http://ec.europa.eu/transport/air-ban/list_en.htm List of airlines banned within the EU Effective aviation safety standards in Europe have rendered our safety record amongst the best in the world. Whilst the European Union and its Member States are working with safety authorities in other countries to raise safety standards across the world, there are still some airlines operating in conditions below essential safety levels. To improve safety in Europe further, the European Commission – in consultation with Member States’ aviation safety authorities – has decided to ban airlines found to be unsafe from operating in European airspace. These are listed in the document below. The first list includes all airlines banned from operating in Europe. The second list includes airlines which are restricted to operating in Europe under specific conditions. These lists will be updated regularly and published in the Official Journal of the European Union where they are included as annexes A and B to the Commission Regulation. Before taking any action based on the information in these lists, all users should ensure they have the latest version.