前往 Skyscanner盤點十大最常見訂機票的問題及詳細解答

發布時間: 2020-08-30
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往Skyscanner盤點十大最常見訂機票的問題及詳細解答 ...




你好,請問你最後有順利飛行嗎? 因為我昨天也在faregeek訂了從紐約飛往巴黎的機票,也是收到確認信但一直還沒扣款也是有點擔心QQ

今天在faregeek 網站上訂舊金山飛往法國圖盧茲的機票,也已線上刷卡完成。而收到的flight reservation 的mail上雖有寫狀態:confirmed 但他另外還寫了:Please take note of this important information: Although your reservation is confirmed, it will need to be verified before ticketed and sent out, at which point they may request a credit card authorization form.In an unlikely event, if your tickets cannot be processed for any reason you will be notified via email or by telephone and your payment will NOT be processed.讓我覺得很不安心,想請問大家有沒有人在faregeek訂過機票,然後成功出發的?