前往 廚神上菜實用英文-英文便利貼[巨

發布時間: 2020-07-18
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票





對!!!+1+1同意 我也有在玩XD

如果有在玩fACEBOOK的 推薦大家可以玩玩線上遊戲RESTAURANT CITY http://www.playfish.com/?page=game_restaurant 因為他是英文介面的 所以你可以認識不少關於食材的英文單字 還有刺激的每日一問 也是增加英文料理常識的好方法哦 我就在那上面浪廢了不少時間,哈.... 不過我超愛它的每日一問的 而且我還發現有不少人很認真的弄題庫呢 http://amiyu.pixnet.net/blog/post/24909882

http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aussiekiwi/M.1241440532.A.AA4.html 感謝網搜達人ZakLee的補充 我將其中8個沒有的也整理到上面的筆記中了 之前有看過的可以再update一下哦 當然沒整理到的字還有很多啦 也歡迎大家多多提供哦(F)(F)(F) 另外也推薦一個料理美食網站 http://www.expertvillage.com/about_6_food-drink.htm 它是像youtube一樣的影片網站 料理食物的每個步驟都有分段的小影片 如果真的不了解這個字指的動作為何 可以直接key in單字用搜尋的 就可以看到別人示範給你看怎麼做哦 對於廚藝不精的人(像我就是)很有幫助哦 而且也可以一邊聽他們的介紹 訓練一下聽力囉!!! (它其實是很多生活方面的介紹網站,有很多其他的東西也可以找的到哦) How to Beat Eggs http://www.expertvillage.com/video/33193_cooking-techniques-dairy-egg5-beat.htm Whipping Egg Whites for Lemon Mousse http://www.expertvillage.com/video/30681_lemon-mousse-eggwhites.htm How to Poach Eggs for Eggs Florentine http://www.ehow.com/video_2336443_poach-eggs-eggs-florentine.html How to Trim a Beef Flank Steak http://www.expertvillage.com/video/42582_flank-steak-trim.htm How to Soak White Beans http://www.expertvillage.com/video/59878_ham-hocks-soak-beans.htm

紐澳食譜中常見的單字與詞彙。 http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aussiekiwi/M.1241440532.A.AA4.html

其實從英文食譜(recipe)中最可以熟識這些動詞了 待在基督城時我最喜歡去圖書館借食譜回家看了 一方面認識很多英文單字 另一方面當然可以磨練廚藝啦 那時都是看做糕點類的食譜再和我的房東討論怎麼做的 推薦兩個英文食譜網站給大家 http://www.hkheadline.com/dining/recipe_subindex.asp?lang=eng ↑這個有中英文兩種版本,看不懂時還可以看中文哦 http://www.nicemeal.com/foodculture/index.html ↑這是介紹中國菜的,你可以挑幾個拿手的,把英文記下來, 這樣在外國時或許有機會和外國朋友一起煮晚餐 你就可以露兩手啦!!!

整理一些烹調時的字彙和大家分享 主要是在處理食物和煮食物時會用到的動詞 或許你在住hostel時和許多不同國家的朋友一起煮晚餐時會需要用到這些動詞 或許你WH在餐廳打工時會需要聽得懂廚師要你做什麼 或許你帶外國友人去吃夜市,會需要和他們解釋這個小吃是怎麼作的...... 總之.... 請大家慢慢享用..... 關於食材的名稱請參考........ 澳洲打工渡假 > 【美食】 超市食品名稱英文單字 https://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=153508 這個資料部分參考自「我們要去美國住」一書 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010383603 再加上我個人的資料整理編輯 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cook 烹調 → cook fish boil 水煮 → boil beans blanch 川燙 → blanch a tomato to peel its skin braise 熬煮 → braise gravy poach 滾煮 → poach an egg << poached egg 荷包蛋 >> sweat 炒煮出水分 → sweat onion fry 炒 → fry some rice << fried rice 炒飯 >> pan-fry 煎炒 → pan-fry beef stir-fry 快炒 → stir-fry chicken and vegetable deep-fry 油炸 → deep-fry floured chicken fritter 裹粉油炸 → fritter sliced bananas hash 切碎後再炒 → hash vegetables << hashed potatoes 碎馬鈴薯 >> saute 嫩煎 → saute a salmon brown 煎至金黃色 → brown until golden barbecue 炭火燒烤 → barbecue the meat grill 火烤 → grill lamb ribs roast 煎烤 → roast a chicken at 300 degrees for an hour broil 以武火烤 → broil a chicken smoke 煙燻 → smoke fish simmer 燉 → simmer pork in vegetable soup stew 燉 → stew chicken steam 蒸 → steam a lobster chill 放入冰箱冷凍 → chill Jell-O in the fridge until it becomes firm freeze 冷凍 → freeze meat << frozen meat 冷臟肉 >> defrost 解凍 → defrost frozen food rinse 水漂洗 → rinse fruits shave 削 → shave carrots peel 剝皮 → peel an orange scale 去鱗 → scale fish core 去核 → core an apple trim 切除不要的部分 → trim off the fat stuff 填裝 → stuff dumplings with meat sauce pour 倒入 → pour some hot water drain 瀝乾 → drain canned beans strain 瀝出 → strain gravy skim 撇去液體表面的漂浮物 → skim the grease from a soup stir 攪拌 → stir the soup in a pot turn over 翻面 → turn over a pancake flip 翻面 → flip a pancake marinate 醃泡 → marinate pork in vinegar and white wine soak 浸泡 → soak white beans pickle 腌漬 → pickle cabbage squeeze 搾 → squeeze a lemon mash 搗碎 → mash a potato << mashed potatoes 馬鈴薯泥 >> crush 壓碎 → crush a clove of garlic puree 弄成醬狀 → puree tomatoes in a food processor bread 裹上麵包粉 → bread oysters thicken 勾芡 → thicken the soup with flour chop 切 → chop onions cube 切成小塊 → cube potatoes dice 切丁 → dice a carrot fillet 切片 → fillet pork slice 切薄片 → slice smoked salmon julienne 切成細絲 → julienne cabbage mince 切成碎末 → mince onions << minced onions 洋蔥碎末 >> shred 切碎 → shred cheese grate 磨成絲狀or粉狀 → grate cheese << grated cheese 起司粉 >> grind 絞 → grind beef << ground meat 絞肉 >> season 調味 → season a chicken with hot spices garnish 搭配 → garnish a chicken with parsly frost 裹上糖衣 → frost a cake with chocolate icing glaze 淋上糖漿 → glaze carrots << glazed carrots 蜜紅蘿蔔 >> baste 淋(醬汁) → baste the turkey with its juice dip 稍加浸泡、沾醬 → dip a shrimp into vinegar spread 塗 → spread bread with butter sprinkle 灑 → sprinkle pepper on the steak brush 刷 → brush some oil add 加 → add a cup of water sift 篩 → sift flour beat 拌打/拌打至起泡 → beat an egg white whip 拌打至起泡 → whip heavy cream << whipped cream 發泡鮮奶油 >> batter 混合麵粉、蛋、牛奶等攪拌而成糊狀物、麵衣 → make batter for pancake blend 使混合 → blend the egg yoke and butter fold 攪打 → fold whipped cream into custard knead 揉捏 → knead the dough into a ball grease 塗油脂潤滑 → grease a frying pan preheat 預熱 → preheat the oven to 300 degrees bake 烘焙 → bake a cake mold 凝固成形 → mold mousse in the fridge ingredient 食材 → get the ingredients together for a cake dash 一撮 → a dash of pepper pinch 一把 → a pinch of salt tablespoon 大湯匙 → one tablespoon of salt teaspoon 小湯匙 → one teaspoon of salt