前往 17Arabic一

發布時間: 2020-08-26
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票





嗨~我計畫在暑假前往約旦學阿拉伯文,主要會待在首都安曼的一間著名的私人語言中心,大概會在那裡學習兩個月(七月初至九月初...),歡迎喜歡約旦文化和對阿拉伯文有興趣者一同前往(大概是七月四日前後),不一定要跟我學滿兩個月,可以先自己回台灣或展開全國性或鄰近國家的旅遊(})(})~非常彈性的^^。有意願者歡迎留言,可以進一步討論 Hi,salamaat !, I'm scheduling to learn Arabic ( العربية )in Jordan during summer vacation;additionally, I will mainly stay as well as have my acquisition of Arabic in a well-renowned language center located in Capital of Jordan, Amman, lasting approximately 2 months (from July ~September 1st ),eagerly welcome those fond of Jordanian culture along with Arabic language have a intriguing journey with me. Whether take the course for two months same as me or not completely depends on u ,quite flexible (})(})~~if u feel interested, plz leave a message below this post in order to have a further discussion with me.