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發布時間: 2020-10-30
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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感謝各位包友建議 昨晚已去電信用卡服務中心告知此情 很貼心的銀行告訴我 她們會緊叮著我的錢,不被請走 然後告訴我如果對方向我的銀行請款 她們會準被一個好像叫做爭議款項拒付書之類的文件讓我填寫 她們會協助我讓款項不給請走(讓我大大放心許多) 昨晚我特別寫信請教airphil他們是否會針對該帳做請款 稍晚airphil也來信告知如下 If you were charged for this transaction, don't worry, it will be reverted on your account after few days. The booking is still active, though, if you still want to avail this, you just have to pay for it at a ticket office 我想,我應該會換張卡片再次預約一次 :)

別擔心! 你的行程是七月,離現在還早。 下個月如果帳單上沒有這筆帳,表示交易沒有成功,他們沒有請款。 如果有這筆請款,那就賴不掉。你可以就此憑證向他們要機票。

哇 真拼 三天兩夜 哈哈

信用卡名字是你本人??:-|..要本人才能訂喔 信用卡不是本人 ,也是可以訂票唷!! 之前我訂airasia、cebu、jet、airphil、philippine 每一次都麻是用他人的卡片 都是可以訂票的~(有些~規定劃位時要出示卡片本人資料倒是真的) 飛鷹航空~我的旅程 你 key 看看訂票號碼~~~看看有沒有你的訂票資料 https://www.virtuallythere.com/new/login.html?validate=false 真的不行~~:\'( 你要不要等~當月信用卡帳單出來時,mail+(附件帳單、電子機票單)給airphil 後,再打電話過去!!比對比對!!!!

信用卡名字是你本人??:-|..要本人才能訂喔 因為做多一次僅能訂購9張機票 但此行有6大4小 統一由我預先代墊 所以機票我也是分兩次刷 一次買兩大兩小(我們自己家庭) 二次再買四大兩小(朋友們) 第一次購買也被拒絕,原因同上 所以應該不是非本人這類的問題 而且他們有在條款說明 UPON CHECK IN, IT IS REQUIRED TO PRESENT THE CREDIT CARD USED IN THIS TRANSACTION. FAILURE TO DO SO, GIVES AIR PHILIPPINES THE RIGHT TO DENY THE PASSENGERS UPON BOARDING 意思應該是持卡本人需要再劃位時釋出信用卡 我既是本人,代友購票我本人也在現場,應該OK吧?? 如果不行為何連我自己機票也被拒絕??


今天MNL - PPS 有特惠 就上網預約 預約基本上沒有問題 線上刷卡付款後也得到了Reservation code 發卡銀行也簡訊通知我的付款已成功 但就在不久,我信箱收到一封主旨為 cancellation of Reloc HMxxxx(電子機票代號)的信件 內容表示我的銀行授權失敗,付款不成功 文件內容如下 Dear Airphilexpress Guest: Thank you for booking your flight with us! Your transaction was immediately processed according to the airline’s credit card payment policy. Unfortunately, the credit card used to book your flight was rejected in our system. In view thereof, we would like to inform you that your transaction was invalidated and we were constrained to cancel you ticket. Thank you very much for your understanding. Sincerely yours, Airphilexpress 1 我再次打去信用卡服務中心問 他們也表示授權成功,而且也提供給我授權碼了 但我再次去信給Airphilexpress 他們依舊回答我如下 We regret to inform you that your online transaction under booking reference code HMXXXX(電子機票代號) was unsuccessful. The payment system was unable to secure an approval from your issuing bank. Rest assured though that your account has not been charged since the booking was not processed. Please contact your bank to get more information why the transaction didn’t go through. May we suggest that you log on again and create a new one since this booking was not valid anymore. Another option is to contact the nearest AirPhil ticket office or travel agent for your ticket purchase. You may view the list of our various ticket offices from our website, http://www.airphilexpress.com. If you are still having problems with our online facility, kindly contact our 24-hour contact center (02) 855-9000 or send us an email at [email protected]. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that you would fly with us soon. Sincerely yours, Airphil Express Reservations 真的很頭痛 一來信用卡服務中心表示說對方確定授權成功,所以有授權碼 但Airphil Express 又說我們這邊銀行交易不成功 我真是像顆球~~被踢得好慘阿 :( 有經驗的包友,請求協助阿 ~~~ 下圖是訂票完成的結果 536963