前往 【最新航班資訊】 武漢肺炎長榮、華航等航空公司航班異動、機票

發布時間: 2020-07-24
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往【最新航班資訊】 武漢肺炎長榮、華航等航空公司航班異動、機票 ...




捷星的台灣飛大阪,真的是賺翻了 我幫日本籍大嫂訂機票,起碼都要提前兩到三個月 已經不是價錢的問題 是有沒有位子的問題~~真的很夯 那是什麼時候呢?以現在的情況來講,我上JetStar網上查了一下,除了過年前有幾天有賣光之外,天天都有位子.

捷星的台灣飛大阪,真的是賺翻了 我幫日本籍大嫂訂機票,起碼都要提前兩到三個月 已經不是價錢的問題 是有沒有位子的問題~~真的很夯

去年10月才剛坐過ORLY說 真是可惜了


Peach airline 好像是大阪飛台北

Peach airline 比較快啦 預計今年7月之後開航

上次在亞航FB看到 亞航在台灣要招募地勤 可想而知亞航預計將台灣當成重要的航點(或轉運站) 在台灣將會有更多航線 不再由長榮代理 可能會在機場獨立設亞航櫃台 不然招募員工幹嘛??? 看到捷星台北大阪賺這麼多錢 亞航不眼紅才怪

既然把台灣列為核心市場之一, 就多開幾條航線吧! 希望台北--東京能夠開航! 有在計劃中, 落實時間目前訂在2014......


既然把台灣列為核心市場之一, 就多開幾條航線吧! 希望台北--東京能夠開航!

Important Announcement: AirAsia X Re-Aligns Network Dear fans, please be informed that due to soaring taxes and higher jet fuel prices, AirAsia X is re-aligning its network to focus on core markets and will be withdrawing services to India (Mumbai and New Delhi) and Europe (Paris and London) from our Kuala Lumpur hub as follows: • Mumbai- Four weekly services will be suspended with the last fl⋯⋯ight on 31 January, 2012 • New Delhi- Daily services will be suspended with the last flight on 22 March, 2012. Flights in March will be reduced to four weekly services. • London- Six weekly services will be suspended with the last flight on 31 March, 2012 • Paris- Four weekly services will be suspended with the last flight on 30 March, 2012 All Guests who hold bookings after these dates will be offered an alternative travel option at no additional cost to mitigate the inconvenience caused as a result of these route withdrawals. An e-mail stating options that are available will be send, including a full refund, a reroute to another AirAsia X destination (e.g, in Australia and North Asia), or a move to an alternative carrier where available. AirAsia X will concentrate capacity in our core markets of Australasia, China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea. Announcements of our future expansions plans will be made soon.