前往 AirAsia Unlimited Pass: all you can fly for a y
發布時間: 2021-08-20推薦指數: 3.010人已投票
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- 1飞常好玩Play n Fly - 【airasia】 #延长期限至6月30日 我知道 ...
我知道很多人会问AirAsia X RM499的Unlimited Pass怎样,请看文末!! 马来西亚版RM399的Unlimited Pass,亚航已经个别EMail给有购买的顾客,会延长T...
- 2AirAsiaX RM499 Unlimited Pass Travel Period Extended to ...
AirAsia has secretly extended the travel period of its RM499 Unlimited Pass until June 2021! The ...
- 3AirAsia Unlimited pass extended until 30 June 2021
The AirAsia Unlimited Pass was introduced on 29 February and it was seen as a move to cushion the...
- 4Malaysia AirAsia Unlimited Pass MYR399 - T&C and FAQ
Get your Unlimited Pass to fly as many times as you want! T&C apply. T&CFAQsFREQUENTLYASKEDQUEST...
- 5AirAsia Unlimited Pass: all you can fly for a year!
AirAsia guests can now take unlimited* flights for a year with the AirAsia Unlimited Pass at only...
- 6Login to continue - AirAsia
Get your Unlimited Pass to fly as many times as you want! T&C apply.