前往 飞泰国单程含税475元低价,包含20KG免费行李托运-

發布時間: 2020-07-27
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票





硬著頭皮買了一張 1038195

希望這家能高雄 雅加達 機隊快250架737 900 亞洲航空對高雄 吉隆坡 興趣缺缺 靠雅加達轉

To team up with Lion Air, Merpati, Batavia, ect, do not help the image of the airline. These Indonesia buget airlines have accident rates very close to the world famous crash king China Airlines. When I take these airlines, I feel like i am taking China Airline, very very uncomfortable feeling. The only budget air I feel comfortable to take in Indonesia is Air Asia. I think many people probably will not take this Indon partner airline in Thailand. How does this little company compete with Air Asia in the long run, I have no clue. Indonesia Air Asia价格,管理都比Lion Air有优势 但是在印尼国内航点数量上与Lion Air相去甚远 所以有时候,Lion Air几乎是预算有限的游客的唯一的选择(价格比鹰航便宜,安全度、班次比其他小公司又要好)

Thai lion air, which is joint venture, is not a subsidiary of lion air. To team up with Lion Air, Merpati, Batavia, ect, do not help the image of the airline. These Indonesia buget airlines have accident rates very close to the world famous crash king China Airlines. When I take these airlines, I feel like i am taking China Airline, very very uncomfortable feeling. The only budget air I feel comfortable to take in Indonesia is Air Asia. I think many people probably will not take this Indon partner airline in Thailand. How does this little company compete with Air Asia in the long run, I have no clue.

Thai lion air, which is joint venture, is not a subsidiary of lion air.

Malindo Air Malindo=Mal,aysia+Indo,nesia Malaysia National Aerospace and Defence Industries (NADI) (51%) and Lion Air of Indonesia (49%).

這家是不是有一次在巴里島飛出跑道的那一家廉航? Yes, this is the ONE. Indonesian budget airlines are big mess.

https://mobile.malindoair.com 這家航空跟馬航的子公司好像喔!標緻根本一樣內,如果是關係器業還可搭,還不錯,謝謝版主^^ 马印航空是狮航在马来西亚的合资公司 不是马航子公司

https://mobile.malindoair.com 這家航空跟馬航的子公司好像喔!標緻根本一樣內,如果是關係器業還可搭,還不錯,謝謝版主^^ 它們標緻都一樣內謝謝分享

https://mobile.malindoair.com 這家航空跟馬航的子公司好像喔!標緻根本一樣內,如果是關係器業還可搭,還不錯,謝謝版主^^


Thai Lion air 12/4 首航 目前很多日期都有特價 好便宜喔 Bangkok – Chiang Mai THB 355 Bangkok – Kuala Lumpur THB 900 Bangkok – Jakarta THB 1900 free 15kg checked baggage allowance, taxes included http://www.lionairthai.com/en