前往 酷航訂票方法@ 小黑的旅行誌:: 痞

發布時間: 2020-09-14
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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想請問有坐過酷航的大家 當我在選位的時候發現 為什麼32~34A,B,C是藍色座位 但相對的32~34H,J,K卻是黃色加價座位? 想請問32~34A,B,C的座位是有比較小嗎?? 或是有什麼比較特別的不方便?? 另, 因為同行的一位友人身型較大, 有快120Kg 所以想說幫他選位32D,而其他人坐32A,B,C 不知道32D的座位會不會比較寬一點?? 或者應該選那個座位對他會比較舒適?? 謝謝大家!! C和D都是走道旁,但D本身的確比C大一些 以下兩篇供參考: http://starscreek.pixnet.net/blog/post/47008266 http://starscreek.pixnet.net/blog/post/47043936


藍色就是標準位 黃色加價更舒服而已 777 通常是 333 配置 所以 C / D 應該都是 靠走道的 我也是胖子 我都喜歡坐走道 因為腳可以誇出去

Choose-a-Seat blue We'll assign you a seat by default so that at check-in you'll know exactly where you're gonna be sitting. But if you want to be sure to catch the view from a window at 30,000 feet, if you would rather be unencumbered along the aisle or if you prefer to sit with your friends and family, choose a seat while making your online booking! In addition to our 31" standard seat pitch, we offer two ways to stretch and get comfy on board. And they won't burn a hole in your pocket. Super Seats yellow The upfront or bulkhead seats, as well as wider seats with more legroom - up to 35". These seats will make your ride more convenient, more relaxing and all around sweeter, all for a small fee. S-t-r-e-t-c-h Seats yellow Whether you're tall or you're small, you deserve to sprawl. Exit row seats have the most legroom of all, and are also available for a fee.

想請問有坐過酷航的大家 當我在選位的時候發現 為什麼32~34A,B,C是藍色座位 但相對的32~34H,J,K卻是黃色加價座位? 想請問32~34A,B,C的座位是有比較小嗎?? 或是有什麼比較特別的不方便?? 另, 因為同行的一位友人身型較大, 有快120Kg 所以想說幫他選位32D,而其他人坐32A,B,C 不知道32D的座位會不會比較寬一點?? 或者應該選那個座位對他會比較舒適?? 謝謝大家!!