前往 【整理】有參加過真旅行的好朋友- 自助旅行問答大全-2020

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您即將離開本站,並前往【整理】有參加過真旅行的好朋友- 自助旅行問答大全-20200617




今天在e-mail信箱中收到一封mail 是一家訂房網:think2travel http://www.think2travel.com/ 之前我以Google搜尋從未看過此網站 (應該是新的訂房網站) 我再看了一下網站的內容 在價錢部份 不像舊的asiaroom 那麼便宜 但比新的asiaroom便宜 (ex:Dream hotel) http://www.think2travel.com/asia/thailand/bangkok/sukhumvit/dream_hotel_bangkok.html http://www.asiarooms.com/thailand/bangkok/176446-dream.html 在訂購流程部份 算是簡單 ( 我還是最愛 舊asiaroom的hotel列表方式 及價格表 一目了然!) 在公司資料部份 是泰國的公司 (會不會是舊的aisaromm人馬...另起爐灶?) 供大家訂房參考用;-) http://www.think2travel.com/

I noticed the new website today. I have reservation with Asiarooms for 2 rooms 5 nights in Bali next week. my hotel rate is 15USD higher per night on new website. And I read that now they have different contact phone numbers for reservation before Aug 30 and after 30. I called the customer service number for reservation before Aug 30, it's in Thailand, my reservation is ok, the lady told me the company is the same, but they are trying to directly link to all the partner hotels, so we can get instant confirmation. She said after all the changes the reservation management will again shift back to Thailand, and after Aug 30, no more payment made to Asiarooms, only take credit card to secure booking, and we pay directly to hotel, thats the new change. Hope everything is okay with them. But the new prices seem more expensive than other websites now.


www.atsiam.com 價格相對便宜, 有時比之前的Asiarooms 還便宜 www.sawadee.com/hotels/bangkok.html 網頁介面做的很好, 簡單容易瀏覽查詢 ,價格也不錯 以上兩家我都曾經訂房過 Agoda 也可以去看看, 飯店地圖顯示很清楚, 也有特價促銷

請大家再推薦幾個好用的訂房網站吧. 我知道另一個agoda不時會有特價,但缺點是他含稅金額要外加

真可惜asiaroom本來是背包前輩們推薦的其中一家訂房網站.... 現在卻搞得亂七八糟的~~

好誇張!! 而且很多飯店的客戶評價都被刪除了 我之前PO的漏水評價文章也消失了~~

價格的確變高了, 以為多加個灌水2~3倍價格的 Normal Rate 然後賣另一個價錢就可以騙過人 真是白爛, 竟然使用這個既笨又賤的招數, 瀏覽介面也更差, 訂房網站多的是, 不差這一家

今天要在asiaroom訂房時 發現網站改版了 原本要訂 Dream Hotel Bangkok 一個晚上只要2880THB 但是 新版的網頁卻要10500THB 太誇張了, 那種價位,不如自己上飯店網站訂房, 真是一大失望,asiaroom一向被我視為是訂房的好幫手!

今天要在asiaroom訂房時 發現網站改版了 原本要訂 Dream Hotel Bangkok 一個晚上只要2880THB 但是 新版的網頁卻要10500THB http://www.asiarooms.com/thailand/bangkok/176446-dream.html?sdate=2009-09-29&nights=2 天殺的 差太多了吧 從網頁上的訊息得知 應該是老闆換人了 整個網站的訂購流程 比較像歐美的訂房網站 不過 在8/30之前訂購的 應該還是原本的團隊在服務 (網上有公告) 提醒各位大大 如果原先打算要在asiaroom訂房的 要注意一下了 有可能換了營運團隊後 整個合約及價錢會不一樣了 或是 原本要訂的飯店找不到 的情形發生 http://www.asiarooms.com/new-asiarooms The new look AsiaRooms.com Great news, AsiaRooms.com just got even better... We have now changed the way we work with our accommodation partners so that we can offer you the very best rates and availability. AsiaRooms.com is now working directly with hotels which mean that you once you have made your booking you receive 100% confirmation of your reservation instantly. How can we do this? Hotels now have complete control over the rates and availability they load on to AsiaRooms.com and manage all the information that you see so you can be safe in the knowledge that you have access to the most up-to-date details around. More questions? Read our FAQ's The new AsiaRooms.com means that... * You get better value due to our new way of working with hotels. * We can confirm your reservation instantly whether booking online or via the telephone. * We don't charge you a booking fee, cancellation fee or modification fee. * The price you see on the website is the price you pay - there are no hidden extras in our prices. * We don't take payment from you, we simply use your credit card details to secure the room and you pay the hotel on departure. * You can book up to a whole year in advance or right up until the moment of your stay. * You can book online or over the telephone 24 hours a day. * We now have lots of European hotel partners working with us offering you even more choice, wherever you need to stay. http://www.asiarooms.com/contact-us Making a Booking with AsiaRooms New Bookings and enquires made AFTER 30th August Singapore + 65 3106 2375 UK + 44 (0) 844 774 5251 USA + 1 646 368 8415 France + 33 9 75 18 10 51 Australia + 61 2 8014 9838 Bookings made BEFORE 30th August Bookings made prior to the recent changes are being handled by a dedicated team. Please call them on: + 66 38 364 700 從上面的公告可以發現 服務電話的國碼不一樣了