前往 巴拉望科隆Coron自由行攻略03-前往科隆的交通方式與

發布時間: 2020-07-21
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票





Dear Sir/Ma'am, Good day! We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you. Upon reviewing your record, changes is only 30min earlier than the original departure. Please note that we can refund your ticket but with applicable fees. For further inquiries you may call our 24/7 hotline thru following numbers: Manila Office: +63-2-70-20-888 Cebu Office: +63-32-230-8888 Hong Kong Office: +852-397-33800 Singapore Office: +65-315-80808 我寫信去他回覆我的 所以我可以退機票錢? 但是要收手續費嗎? 應該是這意思沒錯 但問題是 手續費是多少錢沒提 還有你的原購買金額是多少? 有可能 原購買金額-手續費=所剩無多 或還不夠扣 你要再問一下他們

Dear Sir/Ma'am, Good day! We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you. Upon reviewing your record, changes is only 30min earlier than the original departure. Please note that we can refund your ticket but with applicable fees. For further inquiries you may call our 24/7 hotline thru following numbers: Manila Office: +63-2-70-20-888 Cebu Office: +63-32-230-8888 Hong Kong Office: +852-397-33800 Singapore Office: +65-315-80808 我寫信去他回覆我的 所以我可以退機票錢? 但是要收手續費嗎?

如果是宿霧航空改時間,依經驗可要求退費, 但僅退到"旅遊基金"帳戶中, 我記得是90天內須訂購其他機票使用, 而且你的情況是航班已經飛了no show, 不知道還可不可以退,寫信去問問吧

如題 可否要求退費? 你可以寫信到[email protected]去詢問~附上你的機票電子檔

如題 可否要求退費?