前往 如何規劃一趟自助旅行?? @ Mr.R 環遊世界記錄:: 痞

發布時間: 2020-09-03
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您即將離開本站,並前往如何規劃一趟自助旅行?? @ Mr.R 環遊世界記錄:: 痞客邦::




可以推薦幾款輕量化的睡袋嗎?? 我也是在準備我的壯遊~~6/1齣發三個月歐洲行 Thanks.

如果你有喜歡做手工皂芳療DIY的朋友, 麻煩他們幫你特製加料版的面速力達母 膏狀除了原有的薄荷還可以加上薰衣草, 驅蚊蟲跳蚤效果超好, 還能治療小傷口, 我去西藏時, 沒有遇到傳說中很嚴重的跳蚤問題, 就是精油在發揮作用, 或者干脆去burt's bees買救急紫芹膏。

:-(別相信機場很溫暖這種事情 幾乎所有稍微好一點的機場空調都非常冷 我自從在泰國機場過夜差點冷死之後就很注意各機場溫度 東亞之中,好像只有暹粒機場可以用溫暖來形容 即使是台灣桃園機場的空調都非常強而有力 +1 真的不要相信機場空調很溫暖 曾經有一次睡曼谷機場的經驗 沒搶到椅子的我 只能睡地板 冷到睡不著 :-(

個人覺得鋼杯和電湯匙還蠻重要的~ 可以省錢又安全(飲用水和湯、麵、煮蛋)~ 但是這個可以直接上飛機嗎? 還是要托運?

a few more points: 1. consider the trade-off between buying locally and carry them from Taiwan. It is a game of balance - your budget, how much can you carry, is it cheaper at local, etc. Let me give an example: last year, I went to a remote corner of Yunnan. Need a sleeping bag for ~2 nights (sleep at local school). I decided not to carry one across Pacific ocean and across China. I bought a cheap, thin one (< rmb 80) (it was summer!). Then donated it at local church afterwards. 2. Back to sleeping bag again. you really don't need it (unless you'll sleep outdoor. But carrying a liner may not be a bad idea. Esp. a silk one - very small and light. Usage: most people use it when they don't feel comfortable for their skin to touch hotel/hostel's beddings. You certainly can use it anywhere you want, such as sleeping at airport.

記得帶錢.不夠在當地買即可, 只有真正走出去,你才會更知道自己想要用到的是什麼? 真的不必擔心這個 旅行時我一直在丟東西... 最後前幾天在印度機場把信用卡都用丟了 XD

Hi: Here are my comments. Hope you don't feel overwhelmed: 0. About your question on what kind of quick dry towel - there is one, called "viscose towel". Super-absorbent (of water) and quick dry. but I am not sure if you can find it at Taiwan. Go to travel-specialty store and check out their offers. 1. According to your schedule, you are travelling most in warm weather. you can really cut back on thick clothes. If needed, just buy one at local as plan-B. 2. on T-shirt and uderwears, avoid cotton-based. Try Polyester with some spandex. - for wicking moisture and dry fast (overnight) also, they are much smaller when packed. 3. Absolutely no jeans. It will take you forever to dry them. 4. After washing clothes and wring out most of water by hand, do one more step: lay down the wet clothes on top of hotel's large towel. then roll the towel up as tight as possible to get more water out. Then hang the clothes. Oh,yah. You may want to bring a clothes line. Not take much space, but handy. 5. Apply layer approach in dressing (popular in outdoor activities). also have one clothes serve multiple uses. For example, get a pant, which can also be shorts(短褲) after un-zipping the lower parts. Bring a rain-pant, which can be worn outside your pants - to keep cold out. (I do this when skiing). 5. 台灣資料or明信片? no comments. But I wouldn't carry them. This is definitely not essential! 6. 各國地圖 - are you planning to collect them before the trip? Why not buy/get it at each location? Usually local offers the best detailed map. They maybe free, too. Go to Tourist office. it may be your lucky day. 7. 電子產品 - this probably will take up most of weight. If you have a smart-phone, you may leave 筆電組 at home. or even consider going to internet cafe or hotel's free computer for web access. 8. 日拋隱形眼鏡(下水用): this raised two questions. (1). go swimming? where is the swimming suit? or you'll buy it at local. (2). obviously you are wearing contact lens. Are you going to bring 2nd pair? how about the accessories? 9. Consider bring a compression bag - that would be helpful in many ways. 太感謝您的詳細回覆了!這樣看來有些東西的確是可以不用帶的(EX:各國地圖),哈!

Hi: Here are my comments. Hope you don't feel overwhelmed: 0. About your question on what kind of quick dry towel - there is one, called "viscose towel". Super-absorbent (of water) and quick dry. but I am not sure if you can find it at Taiwan. Go to travel-specialty store and check out their offers. 1. According to your schedule, you are travelling most in warm weather. you can really cut back on thick clothes. If needed, just buy one at local as plan-B. 2. on T-shirt and uderwears, avoid cotton-based. Try Polyester with some spandex. - for wicking moisture and dry fast (overnight) also, they are much smaller when packed. 3. Absolutely no jeans. It will take you forever to dry them. 4. After washing clothes and wring out most of water by hand, do one more step: lay down the wet clothes on top of hotel's large towel. then roll the towel up as tight as possible to get more water out. Then hang the clothes. Oh,yah. You may want to bring a clothes line. Not take much space, but handy. 5. Apply layer approach in dressing (popular in outdoor activities). also have one clothes serve multiple uses. For example, get a pant, which can also be shorts(短褲) after un-zipping the lower parts. Bring a rain-pant, which can be worn outside your pants - to keep cold out. (I do this when skiing). 5. 台灣資料or明信片? no comments. But I wouldn't carry them. This is definitely not essential! 6. 各國地圖 - are you planning to collect them before the trip? Why not buy/get it at each location? Usually local offers the best detailed map. They maybe free, too. Go to Tourist office. it may be your lucky day. 7. 電子產品 - this probably will take up most of weight. If you have a smart-phone, you may leave 筆電組 at home. or even consider going to internet cafe or hotel's free computer for web access. 8. 日拋隱形眼鏡(下水用): this raised two questions. (1). go swimming? where is the swimming suit? or you'll buy it at local. (2). obviously you are wearing contact lens. Are you going to bring 2nd pair? how about the accessories? 9. Consider bring a compression bag - that would be helpful in many ways.

這樣啊...那我有一件不算薄的風衣外套,萬一如果非得睡機場的話OK嗎?機場裡不是都還挺溫暖的? 為了因應廉價航空行李攜帶的規定(七公斤),另一方面我也想體驗輕裝旅行,所以睡袋就不考慮了!不過還是非~常謝謝你的提醒,就扛溫ㄟ啦! 對了!快乾的毛巾方面,可以煩請大大提供建議嗎?感恩! 別相信機場很溫暖這種事情 幾乎所有稍微好一點的機場空調都非常冷 我自從在泰國機場過夜差點冷死之後就很注意各機場溫度 東亞之中,好像只有暹粒機場可以用溫暖來形容 即使是台灣桃園機場的空調都非常強而有力

真是太感謝你提供的人選了! 也非常感謝你提供的建議! 有你們的熱心加持,相信我的旅行一定會很成功哩!(F) 別忘了回來分享遊記喔!!!!:-D

我建議都帶排汗材質的衣物,這樣洗了也比較快乾 我自己都是帶排汗衣,排汗內褲,排汗襪子

這個肯定不用帶 哈哈!雖然我的勇氣很多,不過也很怕死啦!

1.您可以詢問板上"Ellison"及"nigili5"這2位大大^^ 她們有環遊世界的經驗! 2.如果真想要去看極光,建議要先考慮從哪個國家進(ex:加拿大或挪威),價錢會有差. 衣著方面的問題,在台灣先做好基本保暖裝備,賞極光的地方通常會有專業的禦寒保暖裝備"出租", 所以板大您不必擔心!最後,也是最重要的..."極光並不是想看就有的看",要憑"運氣"^^ GOOD LUCK 真是太感謝你提供的人選了! 也非常感謝你提供的建議! 有你們的熱心加持,相信我的旅行一定會很成功哩!(F)

睡袋很重要, 很多地方用得到, 像飛機場, 火車站過夜, 最好再帶一件fleece的毛毯, 真的很有用 毛巾一定要帶那種快乾的, 不然來不及曬乾會發臭 一定要買個好的背包裝所有東西, 千萬不要帶旅行箱, 不然在有些國家會很累很累 祝你旅行愉快, 一路平安! 這樣啊...那我有一件不算薄的風衣外套,萬一如果非得睡機場的話OK嗎?機場裡不是都還挺溫暖的? 為了因應廉價航空行李攜帶的規定(七公斤),另一方面我也想體驗輕裝旅行,所以睡袋就不考慮了!不過還是非~常謝謝你的提醒,就扛溫ㄟ啦! 對了!快乾的毛巾方面,可以煩請大大提供建議嗎?感恩!

我如果要到大陸型乾燥地區(如歐美),一定會帶"油性"乳液早晚各抹一次,皮膚被"乾+凍"傷太多次了. 那凡士林OK嗎

睡袋很重要, 很多地方用得到, 像飛機場, 火車站過夜, 最好再帶一件fleece的毛毯, 真的很有用 毛巾一定要帶那種快乾的, 不然來不及曬乾會發臭 一定要買個好的背包裝所有東西, 千萬不要帶旅行箱, 不然在有些國家會很累很累 祝你旅行愉快, 一路平安!

一、衣服:鋪棉上衣1、衛生衣1、厚風褲(or保暖內搭褲)1、薄風褲1、薄長袖1、短袖T2、短褲1、襪子3、口罩1、內衣褲2套、背心2、防水風衣外套1、薄外套1、帽子1、小側背包 (預計1.5kg以內,有些可以穿在身上!) 二、藥品:面速力達母、OK繃2 三、身體用品:手工皂1、乳液、凡士林、防曬、衛生棉、毛巾、鏡子、牙線、牙刷牙膏、梳子 四、電子產品:手機、手機充電器、相機(D5000+18-55kit)、相機充電器、筆電組(epc)、轉接頭(預計3kg以內) 五、旅遊資料: 護照、歐盟申根免簽證明、財產證明、電子機票、大頭照、身分證、visa 卡、筆記本、原子筆、繪圖本、各國地圖、台灣資料or明信片(預計1kg以內) 六、食器:保鮮盒、叉子、寶特瓶 七、其他:塑膠袋、夾鏈袋、橡皮筋、防狼噴霧器、拖鞋、錢 八、可帶可不帶:電湯匙、鋼杯、日拋隱形眼鏡(下水用)、小禮物 這個肯定不用帶


1.您可以詢問板上"Ellison"及"nigili5"這2位大大^^ 她們有環遊世界的經驗! 2.如果真想要去看極光,建議要先考慮從哪個國家進(ex:加拿大或挪威),價錢會有差. 衣著方面的問題,在台灣先做好基本保暖裝備,賞極光的地方通常會有專業的禦寒保暖裝備"出租", 所以板大您不必擔心!最後,也是最重要的..."極光並不是想看就有的看",要憑"運氣"^^ GOOD LUCK


今年,我決定給自己的生日禮物,就是時間,用兩年的時間完成自己的壯遊。 計畫暫定如下: 7月中~10月中 東南亞及歐洲 10月~隔年5月紐西蘭/澳洲 6月~9月北美/南美 原則上會避開冷得不得了的地方,若真要到冷得不得了的地方(EX:我想去看極光),就想辦法向各地的好心人借外套了^o) 我希望所有的行李不要超過7公斤,目前正在列行李清單(如下),請各位前輩們給些建議吧!有哪些是非帶不可的,或清單中有哪些是可帶可不帶的;有任何建議都歡迎提出以供參考,感恩:-D 一、衣服:鋪棉上衣1、衛生衣1、厚風褲(or保暖內搭褲)1、薄風褲1、薄長袖1、短袖T2、短褲1、襪子3、口罩1、內衣褲2套、背心2、防水風衣外套1、薄外套1、帽子1、小側背包 (預計1.5kg以內,有些可以穿在身上!) 二、藥品:面速力達母、OK繃2 三、身體用品:手工皂1、乳液、凡士林、防曬、衛生棉、毛巾、鏡子、牙線、牙刷牙膏、梳子 四、電子產品:手機、手機充電器、相機(D5000+18-55kit)、相機充電器、筆電組(epc)、轉接頭(預計3kg以內) 五、旅遊資料: 護照、歐盟申根免簽證明、財產證明、電子機票、大頭照、身分證、visa 卡、筆記本、原子筆、繪圖本、各國地圖、台灣資料or明信片(預計1kg以內) 六、食器:保鮮盒、叉子、寶特瓶 七、其他:塑膠袋、夾鏈袋、橡皮筋、防狼噴霧器、拖鞋、錢 八、可帶可不帶:電湯匙、鋼杯、日拋隱形眼鏡(下水用)、小禮物