前往 [紐約便宜住宿] HI NYC Hostel 你好紐約旅舍:上西區紐約便宜

發布時間: 2020-08-05
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往[紐約便宜住宿] HI NYC Hostel 你好紐約旅舍:上西區紐約便宜 ...




如果你在找旅館費用會高,找民宿價格會好一些,有一間再Astoria,距離曼哈噸近,你可以寫信問問她們有們有空房,跟要照片看看 [email protected]

Hostelling International USA is a membership organization. While purchasing a membership is recommended, it is not required; all non-members will be subject to a fee (non-refundable). ...this mean you have to pay some extra fee...it is possible.. and Tax is not list on those fee..but should not be too expansive for me I will suggest you try www.priceline.com you can bet some cheap hotel online.. however after the credit charged....it will be non-refundable..unless you pay about 5 dollar per night for insurrance. if you going alone..hostel is a good choice, if going with more then 3, hotel price can be lower sicne divide by 2 or 3 I check there was one hotl about 48 us dollar per night. even it is just one star...however ...it is cheap.. if yo uhave other question, ...sorry I only type English..my Chinese typing is too slow

这是我们新开张的家庭旅馆,皇后区法拉盛华人区的中心位置,就在地铁站旁边2分钟,到曼哈顿只要30分钟。非常干净,还可以看到纽约夜景哦。价格也很公道。不妨试试吧。 www.amerisinahotel.com

最近想去紐約玩!目前很困老的問題就是住宿費!!!我的預算不算多所以找的都是便宜的旅社 但我的英文實在是不好!用翻譯機都按到頭昏了!所以想請大家幫個忙~ 1.http://hinewyork.org/active_kb/questions/115/What+are+you+room+rates%3F 2.http://www.hostelworld.com/hostels/New%20York(裡面有一家叫''Jazz on the Villa''的旅社Beds From US$10.00是指一個人10塊美金嗎?) 這兩個網站上的價錢有含TAX嗎? 訂金一定要用信用卡付嗎?(因為我沒有信用卡) 我今年三月中會去所以想快點搞定住宿的問題!!(如果有其他30元美金上下的旅社也忙煩介紹一下謝謝!!)