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發布時間: 2020-08-31
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可以拔下抬燈,電視,甚至冰箱的差頭用啊。 話說...我去日本買到WII,當天晚上就拔飯店的電視AV線跟插頭,接在WII上 然後就在飯店房間內開始玩起WII了....



Hello,don't worry. 你只要檢查你的電子充電器插座用品是有到110-220V (通常都有) ,然後到全國電子或3C用品店購買插座轉換器即可(一組大約一百台幣,包含各國不同的插座),轉換你的電子用品插座頭你就可以直間免費使用飯店房內的電器插座充電 若你要上網巴里島街上很多可以付費上網的店 很方便也不太貴喔

原來一切有錢好辦事 pay the extra cost <:o)

This is Maya from Bali Discovery Tours. Further to your questions about The Oasis Beach Resort & Spa, I would like to inform you as follows: Is there a power board in the standard room? My answer: The lowest room category in The Oasis Beach Resort & Spa is Superior Room. There is no a power board inside the room, but it can be requested before check in with pay the extra cost. Is there a hairdryer? My answer: Yes, there is a hairdryer inside Superior Room Do you provide internet services? Is it wireless? My answer: The internet service available at the hotel's lobby only. Could I bring my own notebook and be able to log on to the internet? MY answer: Yes, you can bring your own notebook with pay the extra cost for above.

現在4.5星飯店有些都沒有提供插頭充電,那3C產品怎麼辦 自己帶的相機啦 NOTEBOOK啦 還有手機 或DV 有其他方法嗎 可以跟飯店櫃檯求助嗎 她們會幫我充電嗎 真煩惱 :-(