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發布時間: 2020-07-01
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票





各位好:-):     我同學在日本念研究所,研究關於台灣士林夜市環境改善的調查,希望能多方蒐集問卷資料,問卷有中文、日文(日文版我同學自己處理)和英文版,目前比較缺乏的是外國人遊客的問卷樣本(英語系),希望大家可以多多幫忙啦!!感恩^Q^ 中文版線上問卷 http://www.mysurvey.tw/s/3wm3wBqe 密碼1234 Ps: 不知道在這邊發文可不可以,如果不行,先說抱歉>"< -------------------------------------------------------------- Hello :-): My friend is a graduate student in University of Tsukuba. She is doing a research on the improvement of Shilin Night Market Environment. Although Shilin Night Market has been renovated few years ago, it’s still not good enough. Furthermore, the issue of making Shilin Night Market underground also makes the public to pay attention to its environment again. The goal of this survey is to check your satisfaction with the facilities and environment of this night market. This survey is only for academic research, no other use. Thank you very much for your cooperation. The Survey of User Satisfaction with Shilin Night Market Environment (Please refer to the attached, and reply to [email protected])