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發布時間: 2020-09-29
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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是的, 去香港的泰航辦公室就可以了

這位大大~~~太感激你了 所以我應該去香港的泰航辦公室也可以? 感激不盡~~~好擔心喔

我想你應該是看到以下這一段。 它是說,你可以到當地的泰航辦公室。 另外是說, 如果你在​​線上訂票時有輸入Visa卡或Mastercard密碼的話,是不需要到泰航辦公室再確認的。 打電話聯絡一下泰航辦公室,確認他們的要求就OK了。 # If the traveling passenger is not the credit card or Visa/MasterCard debit card owner, please see the Regulations. Consent Form regulations New Regulations for passengers who are not Credit Card or Visa/MasterCard debit card owners: You can sponsor an electronic ticket to anyone upon payment, following the below instructions, which is strictly recommended. 1. Credit Card or Visa / MasterCard debit card owners must contact any THAI city ticketing offices only during office hour at their nearest locality in person and present the following documents; * Credit Cards or Visa / MasterCard debit card used in the purchase * ID or passport matching that of the owner of the credit card * Completed and signed Consent Form. 2. After the documents have been verified and approved, THAI shall provide you booking reference. 3. THAI reserves the right to deny boarding to the travelling passengers, if the above mentioned procedures and regulations have not been complied with. * Your credit card or Visa/MasterCard debit card/ID information will be strictly confidential, and will be destroyed once the payment process has been completed. # If passenger purchase ticket online for his/herself or sponsor someone with credit card using password VBV (Verified by Visa) or 3D Secure (Master Cards secure) which giving his/her the added assurance that he/she will be exempted from present credit card at check-in counter and/or not required to contact any THAI selling office in person.

我是香港人,但我剛在泰航的官網上幫我男朋友買了去首爾的機票。 但我後來看到原來代他人買票,自己也要出發,否則要填它的一張同意書。還要親自到它的辦工室。 我很擔心啊,不知道他是指可以去我本地的嗎?會不會一定要去台北的呢?我很憂心啊。因為我們11月24日出發,但我本人大概10月才會到台灣,如果特別要去台北那邊會有點遠,很擔心。 各位大大,有遇過類似的情況嗎?:-S