前往 求救!瑞安航空29吋行李托運問題! -

發布時間: 2020-08-03
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

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我都想知 , 例如已買了 Plus , 可預留座位同有20kg托運行李, 我袛得一件托運行李喼重 25 kg . 因此付多15英磅潻加20kg , 是否可以 ? 因討論區裡有不同答案 , 想麻煩各位大大俾俾意見 .

QQ再問一下,看了瑞安官網的說明: You can check-in up to two bags once you have purchased a checked baggage allowance of either 15 kilos or 20 kilos when you make your initial booking. 是指買一個托運可以有兩件行李的意思吧??因為一人最多可以加購三件托運,所以這邊的2 bags應該是指加購一件托運的行李量? 請英文好的大大幫忙了@@第一次搭歐洲廉航... 補充官網說明: Yes, you can pool or share your purchased baggage allowance with other passengers included in the same flight reservation when checking-in together. For example: If two friends travelling on the same booking purchase two 15kg checked bags, one of them can check-in a bag weighing 17kg and the other can check-in a bag weighing 13kg, as long as the total paid checked baggage allowance is not exceeded.


想請問搭乘瑞安航空購買托運行李,托運一人好像最多兩件行李,重量是合計嗎?想看看有沒有辦法跟朋友合買>< 例如我買15公斤托運,是1+1<15kg,還是一件小於15kg,限制兩個行李,是只買兩個托運? 拜託大家幫忙解惑了!