前往 Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record, Information for Comple
發布時間: 2021-10-02推薦指數: 10人已投票
Your visa is valid until July 7, 2006 but when you arrive in the U.S., your I-94 Arrival/Departur...
The I-94 indicates how long a foreign national is permitted to stay in the United States provided...
Your I-94 date is the official record of the authorized length of stay that you have. This means ...
The visitor must exit the U.S. on or before the departure date stamped on the Form I-94. This is ...
I-94 is a place for U.S. visitors to find travel records. ... Apply For New I-94 (Land Border Tra...
The end date indicated on the I-94 is your status expiration date. Upon entering the US following...
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大家好 第一次發帖 請多包涵 我通過travelgeinio購買了機票 但由於現在疫情嚴...
想請問因在travelgenio的訂票網站上購買全日空的機票 但全日空網站已顯示航班取消 ...
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