前往 有人知道這是哪一個直播主嗎? - 追星板 | D

發布時間: 2020-10-14
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往有人知道這是哪一個直播主嗎? - 追星板 | Dcard




謝謝你們的回覆 真的很感激 你們真的好厲害

如果是windows桌面出現的圖片 在畫面右上方點下會告訴你這張圖片在哪裡

https://www.msn.com/en-ph/lifestyle/travel/views-of-cities-around-the-world/ss-AAIZECM?ocid=ob-fb-enph-378#image=2 https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/AAHcEqk.img?h=416&w=624&m=6&q=60&u=t&o=f&l=f Hinterzarten, Germany This resort village is located in the Black Forest, which supposedly inspired the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. Nowadays, the village and region is known for tourist activities, ranging from ski jumping to biking to hiking.

抱歉圖片不是很清楚 想請教各位前輩 有人知道這是哪裡嗎? 很像是德國某小鎮?不確定 3010814 謝謝了