前往 15 家廉價航空中文客服電話總整理,耐心打一定能接通

發布時間: 2020-08-02
推薦指數: 3.010人已投票

您即將離開本站,並前往15 家廉價航空中文客服電話總整理,耐心打一定能接通 ...




亞航7/12開始買便宜機票,我剛剛去看了一下 台北→吉隆坡單程不含稅金就要3190元,最便宜的也找到2910元 請問有沒有人訂到更便宜的機票呢? 預計2011/11月初飛往吉隆坡再轉機到泰國~~ 這次促銷沒有包括台北-吉隆坡喔;-)

firefly 在KL的機場都是在KLIA 嗎? KLIA或Subang Airport

firefly 在KL的機場都是在KLIA 嗎?


亞航7/12開始買便宜機票,我剛剛去看了一下 台北→吉隆坡單程不含稅金就要3190元,最便宜的也找到2910元 請問有沒有人訂到更便宜的機票呢? 預計2011/11月初飛往吉隆坡再轉機到泰國~~

沒辦法,因為飛到東馬的班機都是在KLIA起飛,KLIA的機場稅高很多 我。。。查询的是。。。从新加坡飞去怡保。。。:-$

Fly from Kota Kinabalu International Airport (T2), Kota Kinabalu to: Domestic All-in-fare from Johor Bahru RM 19.00 Kuala Lumpur RM 19.00 Miri RM 29.00 Sandakan RM 29.00 Tawau RM 29.00 Kuching RM 49.00 Penang RM 69.00 International All-in-fare from China Shenzhen RM 188.00 Hong Kong Hong Kong RM 188.00 Indonesia Jakarta RM 138.00 Philippines Clark (Manila) RM 28.00 Singapore Singapore RM 68.00 Taiwan Taipei RM 188.00

http://www.airasia.com/my/en/promotion/rr1210206.page Fly from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (LCC Terminal), Kuala Lumpur to: Domestic All-in-fare from Kuching RM 19.00 Penang RM 19.00 Sandakan RM 19.00 Kota Kinabalu RM 19.00 Sibu RM 19.00 Langkawi RM 29.00 Kota Bharu RM 29.00 Alor Setar RM 29.00 Kuala Terengganu RM 29.00 Johor Bahru RM 29.00 Bintulu RM 49.00 Labuan RM 69.00 Miri RM 69.00 Tawau RM 69.00 International All-in-fare from Brunei Brunei RM 78.00 Cambodia Phnom Penh RM 88.00 Siem Reap RM 118.00 China Guilin RM 188.00 Guangzhou RM 208.00 Shenzhen RM 208.00 Hong Kong Hong Kong RM 208.00 India Kochi RM 168.00 Bangalore RM 168.00 Kolkata RM 168.00 Tiruchirappalli RM 168.00 Chennai RM 168.00 Indonesia Banda Aceh RM 48.00 Medan RM 48.00 Pekanbaru RM 53.00 Palembang RM 58.00 Padang RM 58.00 Bandung RM 68.00 Surabaya RM 78.00 Jakarta RM 78.00 Balikpapan RM 78.00 Yogyakarta RM 78.00 Solo RM 78.00 Makassar RM 128.00 Bali RM 138.00 Laos Vientiane RM 98.00 Macau Macau RM 148.00 Myanmar Yangon RM 98.00 Philippines Clark (Manila) RM 58.00 Singapore Singapore RM 48.00 Sri Lanka Colombo RM 168.00 Thailand Hat Yai RM 38.00 Phuket RM 38.00 Bangkok RM 48.00 Krabi RM 88.00 Chiang Mai RM 138.00 Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City RM 68.00 Hanoi RM 128.00

点解未收到AA E喵機票幾錢


Firefly 得稅務加起來就不便宜了:\'( 沒辦法,因為飛到東馬的班機都是在KLIA起飛,KLIA的機場稅高很多

Firefly 得税务加起来就不便宜了:\'(

查詢結果:吉隆坡往返亞庇零元機票,含稅和套餐後是174馬幣 是的, 因為沒有辦法取消那個Rm58的配套!~

為何2012/4/1 之後不能訂 不是PROMO 到2012/8月嗎


How to Use the Internet Booking Service on Firefly The Internet Booking Service is a 6 Step Process at www.fireflyz.com.my 1. Search 1.Select Round Trip/One Way, Origin, Destination, Departure Date, Return Date, Number of Guests and Number of Infant Passengers 2.Click “Search” 2. Select 1.Results of search will be displayed 2.Total Fare (excluding fees, taxes and surcharges) will be displayed 3.Select your preferred Going Out and Coming Back flights 4.Read and understand the Important Notices and Fare Rules 5.Check the box at the bottom of the page to confirm your understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions 6.Click “Continue” 3. Contact 1.Flight Details and Price Summary will be displayed on the left 2.First time customers should Register as a member a.Fill up the Contact Information b.Create your own Login ID and Password under “Register Now!” c.Note: You must fill in all fields marked “*” 3.If you have already registered, you can login with your User ID and Password immediately (see bottom left hand corner) 4.Click “Continue”. 4. Passengers 1.Traveler Information page will be displayed 2.Fill in the details for ALL passengers traveling 3.Note: You must fill in all fields marked “*” 4.Check the box at the bottom of the page to confirm that all the passenger information is correct 5.Click “Continue” 5. Payment 1.Payment Information page will be displayed 2.Fill in your Credit Card details (only Mastercard & Visa accepted) 3.Fill in your Credit Card Billing Address 4.Click “Continue” 5.Processing will take between 10 - 60 seconds. Please do not click the back, stop or refresh button until the next page is displayed 6. Itinerary 1.Itinerary page will be displayed 2.Print the Itinerary which will state your Confirmation Number, Reservation Status, Flight Details, Contact Details, Traveler Details, Price and Payment Summary as well as the Terms & Conditions of travel 7. Email Confirmation, Bookings & User Profile 1.You will be sent an e-mail confirmation to confirm your booking 2.You can also check your confirmed bookings online by clicking on “My Bookings” (see link at top right hand corner of webpage) 3.You can also modify your profile by clicking “My Profile” (see link at top right hand corner of webpage) 謝謝回復!(*)有中文的嗎?:-$ 謝謝先!(F)

How to Use the Internet Booking Service on Firefly The Internet Booking Service is a 6 Step Process at www.fireflyz.com.my 1. Search 1.Select Round Trip/One Way, Origin, Destination, Departure Date, Return Date, Number of Guests and Number of Infant Passengers 2.Click “Search” 2. Select 1.Results of search will be displayed 2.Total Fare (excluding fees, taxes and surcharges) will be displayed 3.Select your preferred Going Out and Coming Back flights 4.Read and understand the Important Notices and Fare Rules 5.Check the box at the bottom of the page to confirm your understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions 6.Click “Continue” 3. Contact 1.Flight Details and Price Summary will be displayed on the left 2.First time customers should Register as a member a.Fill up the Contact Information b.Create your own Login ID and Password under “Register Now!” c.Note: You must fill in all fields marked “*” 3.If you have already registered, you can login with your User ID and Password immediately (see bottom left hand corner) 4.Click “Continue”. 4. Passengers 1.Traveler Information page will be displayed 2.Fill in the details for ALL passengers traveling 3.Note: You must fill in all fields marked “*” 4.Check the box at the bottom of the page to confirm that all the passenger information is correct 5.Click “Continue” 5. Payment 1.Payment Information page will be displayed 2.Fill in your Credit Card details (only Mastercard & Visa accepted) 3.Fill in your Credit Card Billing Address 4.Click “Continue” 5.Processing will take between 10 - 60 seconds. Please do not click the back, stop or refresh button until the next page is displayed 6. Itinerary 1.Itinerary page will be displayed 2.Print the Itinerary which will state your Confirmation Number, Reservation Status, Flight Details, Contact Details, Traveler Details, Price and Payment Summary as well as the Terms & Conditions of travel 7. Email Confirmation, Bookings & User Profile 1.You will be sent an e-mail confirmation to confirm your booking 2.You can also check your confirmed bookings online by clicking on “My Bookings” (see link at top right hand corner of webpage) 3.You can also modify your profile by clicking “My Profile” (see link at top right hand corner of webpage)

不知道這次fireflyz又要規定必須買行李和吃的,單程要58元:\'( 聽説58元套餐可以取消,但是不知道如何單買托運作李?哪位賜教? 謝謝先!

如果是亞航的短程促銷應該會有亞庇 - 台北的 請問自由避風港大大:飛螢航空此次促銷會有吉隆坡往返亞庇的很廉價機票嗎?好像他比亞航要早一天? 飛螢航空是一定要先註冊再購買機票,還是可以在買的時候填寫資料即可? 亞航的程式比較熟悉了,飛螢航空網站的程式還是一無所知,英文盲操作很麻煩和吃力,可否請教一二? 謝謝先!

沒有台北?? 亞航不知要做怎樣的促銷 如果是亞航的短程促銷應該會有亞庇 - 台北的

出发時段是上次5月做大平賣的時段,應該上次已賣得7788 所以今次應該位更少


請問一下FIREFLY的促銷 是RM9不含稅嗎? 之前已經賣光的還會有嗎

沒有台北?? 亞航不知要做怎樣的促銷

亚航 Something BIGGER than BIG is coming your way! There’s a reason why we’re the Best Low Cost Airline in the world 3rd time in a row, and it’s all thanks to you! Bangkok, Kota Kinabalu, Phuket, Sandakan, Miri, Macau, Jakarta, Bali, Kuching, Kolkata, Siam Reap, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Singapore, Bandung and many more! Your amazing getaway desTHREEnations await you… Stay tuned 12 July 2011 00.01 hours (GMT+8) Travel Period: 6 Feb – 20 June 2012 Firefly Yes, it’s true!! Firefly One Million Seats up for grabs! All In from RM9 Booking Period : 11 – 12 July 2011 Travel Period : 6 Aug 2011 to 27 Oct 2012 So grab your seats fast next Monday!! :)